I think this quote is saying that education has its ups and downs just like anything else in life, but its up to us to have the self-control and the patience in order to not only learn your book smarts, but also your street smarts as well! Now a days people hate or dislike getting an education. Reason for it is because people don't want to go through the learning processing, but some are afraid of failure.... !
What I think the quote is trying to say is kind of hard to describe. But I believe that it is saying the true knowledge we get is when we can understand something without judging it or being ignorant. Like learning about different cultures for example. You learn about a culture but you don't learn true knowledge to you learn how to co op with it. Sort of like different religions you learn to understand them without being ignorant and that's true knowledge. Jordan Grady pd 9
I certainly believe this qoute is true. Just as we our selves don't really want anyones approval over what we have going on , it takes character to accept it ! Having an open ear to what others may say is a really great ability to have. No one knows all the answers nor is anyone perfect , therefore we should all be able to accept what our neighbor has to say . We should never lose confidence when we have to correct ourselve . When we choose to listen we our gaining an even better character , which shows alot of confidence ! Everyone makes mistakes; however by accepting and approving them the world sees' a strong educated person in you ..
This quote is nothing but true. When you're in school or somewhere getting your education it is a place where you shouldn't get mad or upset. You shouldn't let know one take your confidence or hopes. It should be your own spot where you knowyou can't be put down. When we're listen it is a better chance of us getting better as a person and student. If you have a question just ask. Never let anyone stop you. -Period 3 (James Taylor)
What this quote means to me is that education is all about learning. No one knows all the answers but God. Not even the teacher they are just there to help you succeed in life and in the classroom. You should be soaking up all the information instead of getting mad or upset about what you don't know. You should use the teacher as the stepping stone and learn as much as you can. Malcolm X said education is our passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepared for it. So all I have to say is study hard and have faith in the teacher and yourself.
I tihnk this qoute is saying that education isn't just going to school and writing down words , but being open to people and their thouqhts and opinions. When someone corrects you for an eduational purpose there really is no reason to get angry , because that person is only trying to help you. And in the end you will need whatever information you were taught. In my opinion people get mad when someone trys to correct only because they might be used to getting there way or just like to be right all the time..but if you think about it if you're always right and never make mistakes how will you ever have a chance to help someone else in life. This is just my opinion.
This quote is saying to have patience with your inner self. If you have patience then you will learn more things in life than you expect. Education is just a trial or test to get you ready for the real education. Your opinions relies on what you have learned using education. This lets you know what is wrong and what is right because later on in your life you will soon help as many people that you encounter in your life.
I think this quote means that education is like a human . You have to listen in order to learn something . Even though you may get a little angry in the process you still have to keep your head high and push on .You have to stay confident in yourself never give up and never let nothing or no one control you . This is what i think this quote means .
I think this quote means that you will have your ups and downs in life. You need education to succeed , yes your going to lose your temper at some points in life, but you have to listen to learn things to become a successful person. Life isn't always going to be pleasant, you have to make it that way.
I believe this quote is saying that everyone has their problems and don't know how to handle things. Everyone has a temper now and then, that many people don't know how to control. But getting an education is more serious and it can bring your confidence and your ability to stay focus and do well in school without failing.
I think that this quote is saying that it takes self-control to be able to get an education. It is probally harder to lean for those with out self-control. Self-control will help you pay attention in class. For those who do have self-control they probally find it easier to get an education than others. Self-control will also help with your education because while others are playing around you are doing what you need to do. Having self-control is the best thing for an education. -Tenaytia Sanford p.1
What this quote is basically saying, sometimes you just need to be all ears and listen. You dont always have to respond to everything someone says to you when they're trying to help you. You learn more just by listening to what a person has to say or even observing. You should never get mad when someone is trying to give you some of their advice. How can you ever learn anything if your mouth is constantly open? If you learn self control then you'll find the work easier because you're paying attention versus the other students who are goofing off. This is my thought about this quote.
What does this quote mean to me? Well, when referring to the word education it has something to do with teaching and learning. So for instance, if someone is teaching you something. And let's say you don't exactly agree with what they're saying, it is your job to stay humble and respect them. Practice self-control, because whether you like it or not it plays a major part with your temper. As for the part with the self-confidence, you have to continue to be confident with your beliefs. Don't let anyone persuade and influence your thoughts and your opinions. You have the right to believe what you want for any reason you choose to. And that's what this quote mean to me. -Cherokee Armstrong [1st Period]
This quotes means that we should try our best to get an education without giving up. It also means that we need to go to school and give our teachers respect. It also means that we should try our best and get good grades. If you receive a failing grade, don't get upset just do better the next time.In order to learn, you have to pay attention to what your teachers are saying and follow their directions.Also if you failed a test that you feel you have done your best, you should still hold your head up.
I think this quote means to learn with an open mind. If you don't have emotions while learning you can concentrate. You can stay focused and not lose yourself. This quote also says with education all problems will be diminished. You won't lose your temper or self-confidence. Education will teach you how to deal with situations in life. Having an education gives you power. It makes you confident and strong.
What I think this quote is trying to portray is that education is given everywhere.Education can cover any subject. When being educated about yourself people often tend to get an attitude and lose self confidence! Some people might not contian neither. It's just like school, when people are interested in a subject they pay attention, but when they're not interested they might sleep in class. In other words, when people don't want to hear ceartin things they blow it off. Others may take what was said into consideration. Try to change somethings or how things are done in their lives.
This quote has a very strong meaning.This quote is saying that if you fail at something you should take it as a lesson.If someone tells you what you did wrong don't turn away,but listen to them.Also you should never lose confidence in your self.The ability to listen and self confidence it is a sign of good character.That's why no matter where you learn from its still a education.All we have to do to get a easy education is to just listen to what we heir around us.The world is are class and life is are teacher.
I believe this quote is stating that learning is not what you think. It takes time and listening to exceed at learning. You truly learn when you can take in critism without going out of line. You can accept what someone has to say and compromise your wrongs with what you think is right. Learning takes more than the skill of the brain but also the skill of your ears. When you stop and listen, alot can be taught to you.
To me, I think this quote means, without an education who would we be? Education has many different meanings, such as, school wise, and our everyday life. Everyday we learn new things by listening to other people and ourselves. But at the same time, when you learn new things, some people get the attitude of why do they have to learn that. I feel that whatever people are learning, it's for a reason. It may even help them for later on in life. In conclusion, this is what this quote means to me.
I think this quote means that education is the ability to listen to anything and take it as a tool or a vital piece of information. I don't get a temper when I learn new things. Actually I look forward to learning new things. Its the greatest thing to do is to learn. Its actually a blessing because you actually learn more when you start to develop into an adult. In the words of Kobe Bryant it makes you happy to know that you can still learn. I mean who really wants to know everything, its no fun. Joachim Smith P2
To me this quote means without education, you have no way of being responsible, or even how you go about with life. We learn new things for a reason. The world changes everyday. There is always something new about this word. Education teaches you how to follow directions, pay attention, ways to understand different things. Even for discipline reasons. Such as the following, how to keep control, how to be responsible, how to listen to what others say, and other things like that. Self confidence and controlling your temper is learned from having an education.
I believe this quote is saying that with education comes many useful life lessons, and one of the most important lessons is learning self-control. Because without self control you wouldn’t be able to better yourself as a whole. What I mean by this is that in order for us to progress in life we need the judgment of what others see to make us a better person, but without self-control we wouldn’t be able to take the constructive criticism that they have to offer us. Because what they would say would harm us because we weren’t taught how to conduct ourselves with the self-control that an educated person has already learned .Because it takes a certain amount of character and an even higher amount of self-control to take criticism. Because when you are well educated and you have learned to have a strong moral/mental foundation from self-control, then you can listen to hurtful things and lies without getting upset by them, and actually using them to better yourself. Also with self-control you learn how distinguish what criticism to believe and go by without letting it get to you or cause you to stop believing in yourself. With saying this I believe that we should all educate and discipline ourselves to the point where we can take any criticism someone has for us, good or bad, because in the long run it will only make us better as a whole. So when someone tells you something that they believe you need to work on don’t automatically think that it’s to harm you, but just think of it as advice to make you better. And if you take a positive outlook on criticism and actually use it then you will become a better person. -Kennedee Gardner☆ -Period 1ღ
i think this quote is stating that when people tell you something they only telling you this so that you can better yourself. like for example when iam at cheer leading practice the captains might say something that i don't like but i know they only looking out for me and trying make me better. I think its good when people try to help our people by telling them their mistakes because they are just looking out for you and they want you to sucessed ! this quote is also saying that when it comes to education has lessons and life changing skills for everyone. Like a always say never mistakes always lessons learn and that's exactly what this quote is saying.
The quote above by Robert Frost is saying that if you are well educated and have a mental foundation, then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself.If you have confidence in yourself that is all you need,because people are always going to say things about you good or bad.
I think this quote is means, you can be educated in alot of things, and listening is one of them. When we go to school there is teachers to to teach. Students to learn by listening to the great knowledge teachers gives us. I think education comes from mistakes.You learn from your mistakes and listen to what you did wrong. To gain knowledge and better yourself. I guess what i'm trying to say is be patient when it comes to listening to what others have to say because it can lead you to a successful education.
This quote is saying that if you are well educated and you have good values. Then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself.If you let mean things have an affect on you then you might not get far in life. If you dont listen to what people say then you would most likely succeed.Thats what i think this quote is saying. -Phyllis Jacox period 9
This quote to me means that when your being told something right, why get offended? Its not like when somebody tell you something right that your idea was wrong.. It just means that it probably wasn't the educated way. But I also think controlling your temper deals with character.. It really depends on who you are and how you react to certain things. Even though sometimes it could be the type of way the person tells you whatever you say is wrong. I just think it all depends on the persons and the person in which correcting you.
To me this quote means that education is when one is willing to learn. I say this because u won't lose your temper or self-confidence if you come in willing to learn. The only way i see someone losing their temper while being educated is if they don't want to be educated in the first place. Then a person would only lose their self-confidence if they thought they knew something and was told otherwise. A person that is willing to be educated comes in with the intentions to learn and doesn't feel threatened by what the educator is teaching. Also i believe once again Robert Frost meant for people to view the quote differently. -DeShay Mukes Period 4
I think Robert Frost is trying to say that education is not just sitting in school and and testing. Education is litening to what the teacher has to say, taking constructive criticism, and learning what you wil need to go further in life. For exampleif a teacher is telling you need to work on something don't get down on yourself or lose your head. Instead, just take what they said and put it to use.
i think it says that education has a connection to having self control. Education is being paying attention in school and doing what it takes to be sucsessful in life. Its saying to work hard and to be professional about your self. (4th Period)
I believe this quote means education is some times something you don't want to hear. It is something that may go against your opinion. It is also is something you need to know. Some people may not want to know the truth, but they have to know. Life is about opinion vs. education. Knowledge triumphs over opinion. This quote means learning is hard Jonathan Nunn Period 1
This quote to me means that a eduction is when someone is willing to learn.That when you have faith in yourself to learn.When you have plenty of selfcondivnce in yourself to learn something you usually don`t get.This also means to me that in order to really learn you have to have faith in yourself.If you don`t have faith in yourself to learn then who will.So have faith in yourself to learn and you will learn. DWIGHT MATHEWS PERIOD 3
I Think this means you should always be in control of your actions.Focus on things that matter the most instead of things that could really be put of to the side. To me,education is learning things you dont know, being responsible about your work,completing work and turning it in on time, and keeping clear of all distractions in class.Everyone needs to be educated in order to be someone in life.You will need education to get in and out of high school,college,and to get a career. (Period.3)
- I think what this quote is basically statinq is that instead of qettinq frustrated with people that's tryinq to help you , you should listen . You should listen because it will help you in the lonq run . I understand that sometimes when you're learninq somethinq that you don't seem to be qettinq that can be very irritatinq . But it all takes patience because you will eventually qet it. By you qettinq mad and takinq it out on others will not solve the situation . Or sometimes when you learninq somethinq that you're not quite interested in we tend to blow it off and miss out on the qreat outcomes of it . So its our job to overlook the borinq stuff and still pay attention to what we are learninq .! - Shania_SimonĂª ( Period 2 ] !
What this quote is saying to me is instead of not listening to the people that are trying to help you succeed in life, pay attention. Education is not something to play with you need to take it seriously. Also what this quote is saying is to never let your temper take control of you because it gets you nowhere but dropping out or getting put out of school if you don't want to learn.
To me this quote is saying that if you are well educated and have a strong mental foundation, then you can listen to false information or certain things without being upset by them. Also there are some people who are afraid of education. They can lose their temper because of lack of education. They're many people who want to learn but their they're confindence is low.However,there are some people that take education very serious and will fight for what they think is best. Every thing is a debate to them so they are most likely to lose their temper at anything. It's all about how much knowledge you have and what you believe in.
This quote means It is impossible to be educated if you don't know how to listen. It is not necessary to voice your opinion on everything. If you sit back and listen you could learn a lot. Education is the key to most. An education a great thing to get out of life. Listening should'nt make you lose your temper or self confidence because its meant to strengthen you. Education is everywhere just not in school, so every where you go listen and you'll become smarter everyday.
This quote means that just by listening you become educated. It is saying that education is anything that you can learn from. Just by listening you are learning. Anything that you can learn that will benefit you without losing your sense of self confidence is eduacation. You also have to learn how to listen to become educated. There is no way that become educated if you don't know how to listen. Once you can listen, you become educated from any circumstance or experience you ever go through.
I think this quote means people dont say things to hurt others its just a way to hear other peoples opinion and learn from your mistakes . You cant always talk before you listen . Listen to others might teach you something in yo future . You cant let one mistake make your future just from it and let go thats the key to education let go and listen -Tarkena Burks * 9th Period !
This quote is saying that you should always be open to different ideas. If everyone is so narrow minded then we can't learn anything. We shouldn't always shoot down what people say just because we don't agree with it. Everyone is different and has different beliefs. We shouldn't argue and tell someone that they are wrong just because that's what you think and don't agree. If we opened up our minds to new ideas and come together then we would be able to accomplish so much more. Instead of fighting different ideas we should learn from them or at least try to respect them.
This quote has a deep meaning. I think that this quote means that in order to learn things in life, we should take into concideration what another person is trying to teach us. Especially if that person is someone more wiser than us. You can always learn things from anyone you meet. And I think that that's what life is about. Learning things so that you can better ourself in the future. We all want to get to a certain point in life and in order to do that, we have to learn.
I think this quote is saying that you need to be confident and you need to feel good about how smart you are. Getting angry and frustrated isn't a good way to get things accomplshed. I think its says that its pretty hard to get an education and be educated if you can't listen and pay attention! Never get offended, angry or upset when someone tries to teach new. I think if you have an open mind then you wont be frustrated when you learn something new! Education s more than taking a test. Education is listening, understanding, and paying attention. In the end education is what YOU make of it!
-I think this quote is saying that if you have no education you have low-confidence. Getting your education should not make you lose your temper. In order to have an education you have to listen and pay-attention to what people are telling you. Be smart and calm and your education will be in store in your head. If you have your education you can be able to listen to alot of things and not have anything to worry about. Just have a positive way of thinking and the world is yours! This is what i think the quote meanse to me. *Endya Holland Period 3 *
I think this quote means that education is not only about being educated in school but its about being able to listen and learn. I think this also means that if you want to be a educated person you have to learn to not get upset when something doesnt go your way. As a student i have to listen and learn so i can be educated. And last education is like discipline because you have to discipline yourself to listen and focus.
I think this quote means don't be afraid to learn. Why , because its easy to be dumb. I also think this quote means to not get mad if you get something wrong because you could always go back and try again and get it right. Education is about learning something new and try to get good at it. Its the key to success. This quote is trying to tell us to always have patience and not get upset if don't get it the first time. Just always have self control. -Kaylan Lawrence Period 2
This quote is a quote that you could take either way (good or bad), but it is very true. I think it means that education does'nt always mean learning something.This quote means that you don't have to be a genius to say that you have an education. It means that you were raised well and you can control yourself (mentally or physically). Or you can say that you don't like to be lectured (good or bad) and since you have a eduction, you don't lose your temper.Or for example, if you get rejected, if you have a education, you would know how to handle the situation and still maintain you self-confidence. It's basically (in a way) learning from your mistakes.
This quote is saying with knowledge you hit obstacles that might challenge your attitude as far as knowledge. You must possess the power to keep self control on a mental level. Do not let anger affect how u think. You must be mentally stable to go through things and not let anger overwhelm you.
This quote is saying a lot of important things but they happen to be difficult to describe. I think this quote is saying that in order to have an education, you have to be willing to be taught. Most people do not like to be told what. to do, but when you get an education you have to be told what to do. If you can't accept that then you will never be able to learn anything new. Being able to have an education is a huge blessing because not everyone is able to sit in a classroom and get an education from someone who most likely cares about you being successful. When you accept knowledge and education, you are pretty much able to accept anything else because you are accepting the fact that you do not everything you are supposed to know. Education if a wonderful topic because you can either accept it or deny it. When you accept it, you most likely become successful. When you deny it, you will probably not be as successful as when you do get an education. Pretty much what I have to say as a conclusion is that you should not let your anger get ahead of you and stop you from trying to learn something new.
I think this quote is saying that education has its ups and downs just like anything else in life, but its up to us to have the self-control and the patience in order to not only learn your book smarts, but also your street smarts as well! Now a days people hate or dislike getting an education. Reason for it is because people don't want to go through the learning processing, but some are afraid of failure.... !
ReplyDeleteCiara Frazier
Period 4
What I think the quote is trying to say is kind of hard to describe. But I believe that it is saying the true knowledge we get is when we can understand something without judging it or being ignorant. Like learning about different cultures for example. You learn about a culture but you don't learn true knowledge to you learn how to co op with it. Sort of like different religions you learn to understand them without being ignorant and that's true knowledge. Jordan Grady pd 9
ReplyDeleteI certainly believe this qoute is true. Just as we our selves don't really want anyones approval over what we have going on , it takes character to accept it ! Having an open ear to what others may say is a really great ability to have. No one knows all the answers nor is anyone perfect , therefore we should all be able to accept what our neighbor has to say . We should never lose confidence when we have to correct ourselve . When we choose to listen we our gaining an even better character , which shows alot of confidence ! Everyone makes mistakes; however by accepting and approving them the world sees' a strong educated person in you ..
ReplyDelete-Ms.Olivia Griffin
-1st Period (:
This quote is nothing but true. When you're in school or somewhere getting your education it is a place where you shouldn't get mad or upset. You shouldn't let know one take your confidence or hopes. It should be your own spot where you knowyou can't be put down. When we're listen it is a better chance of us getting better as a person and student. If you have a question just ask. Never let anyone stop you.
ReplyDelete-Period 3 (James Taylor)
What this quote means to me is that education is all about learning. No one knows all the answers but God. Not even the teacher they are just there to help you succeed in life and in the classroom. You should be soaking up all the information instead of getting mad or upset about what you don't know. You should use the teacher as the stepping stone and learn as much as you can. Malcolm X said education is our passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepared for it. So all I have to say is study hard and have faith in the teacher and yourself.
ReplyDelete-Nehemiah Daniels (4th period)
I tihnk this qoute is saying that education isn't just going to school and writing down words , but being open to people and their thouqhts and opinions. When someone corrects you for an eduational purpose there really is no reason to get angry , because that person is only trying to help you. And in the end you will need whatever information you were taught. In my opinion people get mad when someone trys to correct only because they might be used to getting there way or just like to be right all the time..but if you think about it if you're always right and never make mistakes how will you ever have a chance to help someone else in life. This is just my opinion.
ReplyDelete- Victoria M. Hinton
- Period o9.
This quote is saying to have patience with your inner self. If you have patience then you will learn more things in life than you expect. Education is just a trial or test to get you ready for the real education. Your opinions relies on what you have learned using education. This lets you know what is wrong and what is right because later on in your life you will soon help as many people that you encounter in your life.
ReplyDelete-Aaramis Hill
~Period 1
I think this quote means that education is like a human . You have to listen in order to learn something . Even though you may get a little angry in the process you still have to keep your head high and push on .You have to stay confident in yourself never give up and never let nothing or no one control you . This is what i think this quote means .
ReplyDeleteShayla Richardson
Period : 3
I think this quote means that you will have your ups and downs in life. You need education to succeed , yes your going to lose your temper at some points in life, but you have to listen to learn things to become a successful person. Life isn't always going to be pleasant, you have to make it that way.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Hunt
2nd Period !
I believe this quote is saying that everyone has their problems and don't know how to handle things. Everyone has a temper now and then, that many people don't know how to control. But getting an education is more serious and it can bring your confidence and your ability to stay focus and do well in school without failing.
ReplyDeletePatrick McIntosh
Period 1
I think that this quote is saying that it takes self-control to be able to get an education. It is probally harder to lean for those with out self-control. Self-control will help you pay attention in class. For those who do have self-control they probally find it easier to get an education than others. Self-control will also help with your education because while others are playing around you are doing what you need to do. Having self-control is the best thing for an education.
ReplyDelete-Tenaytia Sanford
What this quote is basically saying, sometimes you just need to be all ears and listen. You dont always have to respond to everything someone says to you when they're trying to help you. You learn more just by listening to what a person has to say or even observing. You should never get mad when someone is trying to give you some of their advice. How can you ever learn anything if your mouth is constantly open? If you learn self control then you'll find the work easier because you're paying attention versus the other students who are goofing off. This is my thought about this quote.
ReplyDelete--Destiney Reed
-1st Period
What does this quote mean to me? Well, when referring to the word education it has something to do with teaching and learning. So for instance, if someone is teaching you something. And let's say you don't exactly agree with what they're saying, it is your job to stay humble and respect them. Practice self-control, because whether you like it or not it plays a major part with your temper. As for the part with the self-confidence, you have to continue to be confident with your beliefs. Don't let anyone persuade and influence your thoughts and your opinions. You have the right to believe what you want for any reason you choose to. And that's what this quote mean to me.
ReplyDelete-Cherokee Armstrong [1st Period]
This quotes means that we should try our best to get an education without giving up. It also means that we need to go to school and give our teachers respect. It also means that we should try our best and get good grades. If you receive a failing grade, don't get upset just do better the next time.In order to learn, you have to pay attention to what your teachers are saying and follow their directions.Also if you failed a test that you feel you have done your best, you should still hold your head up.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote means to learn with an open mind. If you don't have emotions while learning you can concentrate. You can stay focused and not lose yourself. This quote also says with education all problems will be diminished. You won't lose your temper or self-confidence. Education will teach you how to deal with situations in life. Having an education gives you power. It makes you confident and strong.
ReplyDeleteAsha Walker
Period 1
What I think this quote is trying to portray is that education is given everywhere.Education can cover any subject. When being educated about yourself people often tend to get an attitude and lose self confidence! Some people might not contian neither. It's just like school, when people are interested in a subject they pay attention, but when they're not interested they might sleep in class. In other words, when people don't want to hear ceartin things they blow it off. Others may take what was said into consideration. Try to change somethings or how things are done in their lives.
ReplyDelete-Jalaya Bryant
1st Hour
This quote has a very strong meaning.This quote is saying that if you fail at something you should take it as a lesson.If someone tells you what you did wrong don't turn away,but listen to them.Also you should never lose confidence in your self.The ability to listen and self confidence it is a sign of good character.That's why no matter where you learn from its still a education.All we have to do to get a easy education is to just listen to what we heir around us.The world is are class and life is are teacher.
ReplyDeleteAaron Rivera
period 3
I believe this quote is stating that learning is not what you think. It takes time and listening to exceed at learning. You truly learn when you can take in critism without going out of line. You can accept what someone has to say and compromise your wrongs with what you think is right. Learning takes more than the skill of the brain but also the skill of your ears. When you stop and listen, alot can be taught to you.
ReplyDelete-*Desiree Williams ; Period 1 ! =)
To me, I think this quote means, without an education who would we be? Education has many different meanings, such as, school wise, and our everyday life. Everyday we learn new things by listening to other people and ourselves. But at the same time, when you learn new things, some people get the attitude of why do they have to learn that. I feel that whatever people are learning, it's for a reason. It may even help them for later on in life. In conclusion, this is what this quote means to me.
ReplyDelete-Jackeelyn Scott
-Class Period 3
I think this quote means that education is the ability to listen to anything and take it as a tool or a vital piece of information. I don't get a temper when I learn new things. Actually I look forward to learning new things. Its the greatest thing to do is to learn. Its actually a blessing because you actually learn more when you start to develop into an adult. In the words of Kobe Bryant it makes you happy to know that you can still learn. I mean who really wants to know everything, its no fun.
ReplyDeleteJoachim Smith
To me this quote means without education, you have no way of being responsible, or even how you go about with life. We learn new things for a reason. The world changes everyday. There is always something new about this word. Education teaches you how to follow directions, pay attention, ways to understand different things. Even for discipline reasons. Such as the following, how to keep control, how to be responsible, how to listen to what others say, and other things like that. Self confidence and controlling your temper is learned from having an education.
ReplyDeleteI believe this quote is saying that with education comes many useful life lessons, and one of the most important lessons is learning self-control. Because without self control you wouldn’t be able to better yourself as a whole. What I mean by this is that in order for us to progress in life we need the judgment of what others see to make us a better person, but without self-control we wouldn’t be able to take the constructive criticism that they have to offer us. Because what they would say would harm us because we weren’t taught how to conduct ourselves with the self-control that an educated person has already learned .Because it takes a certain amount of character and an even higher amount of self-control to take criticism. Because when you are well educated and you have learned to have a strong moral/mental foundation from self-control, then you can listen to hurtful things and lies without getting upset by them, and actually using them to better yourself. Also with self-control you learn how distinguish what criticism to believe and go by without letting it get to you or cause you to stop believing in yourself. With saying this I believe that we should all educate and discipline ourselves to the point where we can take any criticism someone has for us, good or bad, because in the long run it will only make us better as a whole. So when someone tells you something that they believe you need to work on don’t automatically think that it’s to harm you, but just think of it as advice to make you better. And if you take a positive outlook on criticism and actually use it then you will become a better person.
ReplyDelete-Kennedee Gardner☆
-Period 1ღ
i think this quote is stating that when people tell you something they only telling you this so that you can better yourself. like for example when iam at cheer leading practice the captains might say something that i don't like but i know they only looking out for me and trying make me better. I think its good when people try to help our people by telling them their mistakes because they are just looking out for you and they want you to sucessed ! this quote is also saying that when it comes to education has lessons and life changing skills for everyone. Like a always say never mistakes always lessons learn and that's exactly what this quote is saying.
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ReplyDeleteThe quote above by Robert Frost is saying that if you are well educated and have a mental foundation, then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself.If you have confidence in yourself that is all you need,because people are always going to say things about you good or bad.
ReplyDeleteNia Carey
4th Hour
I think this quote is means, you can be educated in alot of things, and listening is one of them. When we go to school there is teachers to to teach. Students to learn by listening to the great knowledge teachers gives us. I think education comes from mistakes.You learn from your mistakes and listen to what you did wrong. To gain knowledge and better yourself. I guess what i'm trying to say is be patient when it comes to listening to what others have to say because it can lead you to a successful education.
-period 2
This quote is saying that if you are well educated and you have good values. Then you can listen to hurtful things or lies without being upset by them, believing them, or stop believing in yourself.If you let mean things have an affect on you then you might not get far in life. If you dont listen to what people say then you would most likely succeed.Thats what i think this quote is saying.
ReplyDelete-Phyllis Jacox
period 9
This quote to me means that when your being told something right, why get offended? Its not like when somebody tell you something right that your idea was wrong.. It just means that it probably wasn't the educated way. But I also think controlling your temper deals with character.. It really depends on who you are and how you react to certain things. Even though sometimes it could be the type of way the person tells you whatever you say is wrong. I just think it all depends on the persons and the person in which correcting you.
ReplyDelete-Olivia Allen
To me this quote means that education is when one is willing to learn. I say this because u won't lose your temper or self-confidence if you come in willing to learn. The only way i see someone losing their temper while being educated is if they don't want to be educated in the first place. Then a person would only lose their self-confidence if they thought they knew something and was told otherwise. A person that is willing to be educated comes in with the intentions to learn and doesn't feel threatened by what the educator is teaching. Also i believe once again Robert Frost meant for people to view the quote differently.
ReplyDelete-DeShay Mukes
Period 4
I think Robert Frost is trying to say that education is not just sitting in school and and testing. Education is litening to what the teacher has to say, taking constructive criticism, and learning what you wil need to go further in life. For exampleif a teacher is telling you need to work on something don't get down on yourself or lose your head. Instead, just take what they said and put it to use.
ReplyDeleteArthur Haggard, 3rd period
i think it says that education has a connection to having self control. Education is being paying attention in school and doing what it takes to be sucsessful in life. Its saying to work hard and to be professional about your self. (4th Period)
ReplyDeleteI believe this quote means education is some times something you don't want to hear. It is something that may go against your opinion. It is also is something you need to know. Some people may not want to know the truth, but they have to know. Life is about opinion vs. education. Knowledge triumphs over opinion. This quote means learning is hard
ReplyDeleteJonathan Nunn
Period 1
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ReplyDeleteThis quote to me means that a eduction is when someone is willing to learn.That when you have faith in yourself to learn.When you have plenty of selfcondivnce in yourself to learn something you usually don`t get.This also means to me that in order to really learn you have to have faith in yourself.If you don`t have faith in yourself to learn then who will.So have faith in yourself to learn and you will learn.
I Think this means you should always be in control of your actions.Focus on things that matter the most instead of things that could really be put of to the side. To me,education is learning things you dont know, being responsible about your work,completing work and turning it in on time, and keeping clear of all distractions in class.Everyone needs to be educated in order to be someone in life.You will need education to get in and out of high school,college,and to get a career.
- I think what this quote is basically statinq is that instead of qettinq frustrated with people that's tryinq to help you , you should listen . You should listen because it will help you in the lonq run . I understand that sometimes when you're learninq somethinq that you don't seem to be qettinq that can be very irritatinq . But it all takes patience because you will eventually qet it. By you qettinq mad and takinq it out on others will not solve the situation . Or sometimes when you learninq somethinq that you're not quite interested in we tend to blow it off and miss out on the qreat outcomes of it . So its our job to overlook the borinq stuff and still pay attention to what we are learninq .!
ReplyDelete- Shania_SimonĂª ( Period 2 ] !
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ReplyDeleteWhat this quote is saying to me is instead of not listening to the people that are trying to help you succeed in life, pay attention. Education is not something to play with you need to take it seriously. Also what this quote is saying is to never let your temper take control of you because it gets you nowhere but dropping out or getting put out of school if you don't want to learn.
ReplyDeleteTo me this quote is saying that if you are well educated and have a strong mental foundation, then you can listen to false information or certain things without being upset by them. Also there are some people who are afraid of education. They can lose their temper because of lack of education. They're many people who want to learn but their they're confindence is low.However,there are some people that take education very serious and will fight for what they think is best. Every thing is a debate to them so they are most likely to lose their temper at anything. It's all about how much knowledge you have and what you believe in.
ReplyDelete- Period 2 ♪
- Eric Scott ♪
This quote means It is impossible to be educated if you don't know how to listen. It is not necessary to voice your opinion on everything. If you sit back and listen you could learn a lot. Education is the key to most. An education a great thing to get out of life. Listening should'nt make you lose your temper or self confidence because its meant to strengthen you. Education is everywhere just not in school, so every where you go listen and you'll become smarter everyday.
ReplyDeletekayla sams
period 1
This quote means that just by listening you become educated. It is saying that education is anything that you can learn from. Just by listening you are learning. Anything that you can learn that will benefit you without losing your sense of self confidence is eduacation. You also have to learn how to listen to become educated. There is no way that become educated if you don't know how to listen. Once you can listen, you become educated from any circumstance or experience you ever go through.
ReplyDelete-Caylyn Weatherspoon
Period 1
I think this quote means people dont say things to hurt others its just a way to hear other peoples opinion and learn from your mistakes . You cant always talk before you listen . Listen to others might teach you something in yo future . You cant let one mistake make your future just from it and let go thats the key to education let go and listen
ReplyDelete-Tarkena Burks
* 9th Period !
This quote is saying that you should always be open to different ideas. If everyone is so narrow minded then we can't learn anything. We shouldn't always shoot down what people say just because we don't agree with it. Everyone is different and has different beliefs. We shouldn't argue and tell someone that they are wrong just because that's what you think and don't agree. If we opened up our minds to new ideas and come together then we would be able to accomplish so much more. Instead of fighting different ideas we should learn from them or at least try to respect them.
ReplyDeleteDana Hudson
Period 1
This quote has a deep meaning. I think that this quote means that in order to learn things in life, we should take into concideration what another person is trying to teach us. Especially if that person is someone more wiser than us. You can always learn things from anyone you meet. And I think that that's what life is about. Learning things so that you can better ourself in the future. We all want to get to a certain point in life and in order to do that, we have to learn.
ReplyDeleteEryicka J. Wesley
Period 1
I think this quote is saying that you need to be confident and you need to feel good about how smart you are. Getting angry and frustrated isn't a good way to get things accomplshed. I think its says that its pretty hard to get an education and be educated if you can't listen and pay attention! Never get offended, angry or upset when someone tries to teach new. I think if you have an open mind then you wont be frustrated when you learn something new! Education s more than taking a test. Education is listening, understanding, and paying attention. In the end education is what YOU make of it!
ReplyDelete-Jada Atkins
Period one
-I think this quote is saying that if you have no education you have low-confidence. Getting your education should not make you lose your temper. In order to have an education you have to listen and pay-attention to what people are telling you. Be smart and calm and your education will be in store in your head. If you have your education you can be able to listen to alot of things and not have anything to worry about. Just have a positive way of thinking and the world is yours! This is what i think the quote meanse to me.
ReplyDelete*Endya Holland
Period 3 *
I think this quote means that education is not only about being educated in school but its about being able to listen and learn. I think this also means that if you want to be a educated person you have to learn to not get upset when something doesnt go your way. As a student i have to listen and learn so i can be educated. And last education is like discipline because you have to discipline yourself to listen and focus.
ReplyDeleteRichard Wilford
2nd period
I think this quote means don't be afraid to learn. Why , because its easy to be dumb. I also think this quote means to not get mad if you get something wrong because you could always go back and try again and get it right. Education is about learning something new and try to get good at it. Its the key to success. This quote is trying to tell us to always have patience and not get upset if don't get it the first time. Just always have self control.
ReplyDelete-Kaylan Lawrence
Period 2
This quote is a quote that you could take either way (good or bad), but it is very true. I think it means that education does'nt always mean learning something.This quote means that you don't have to be a genius to say that you have an education. It means that you were raised well and you can control yourself (mentally or physically). Or you can say that you don't like to be lectured (good or bad) and since you have a eduction, you don't lose your temper.Or for example, if you get rejected, if you have a education, you would know how to handle the situation and still maintain you self-confidence. It's basically (in a way) learning from your mistakes.
ReplyDeleteThis quote is saying with knowledge you hit obstacles that might challenge your attitude as far as knowledge. You must possess the power to keep self control on a mental level. Do not let anger affect how u think. You must be mentally stable to go through things and not let anger overwhelm you.
ReplyDeleteThis quote is saying a lot of important things but they happen to be difficult to describe. I think this quote is saying that in order to have an education, you have to be willing to be taught. Most people do not like to be told what. to do, but when you get an education you have to be told what to do. If you can't accept that then you will never be able to learn anything new. Being able to have an education is a huge blessing because not everyone is able to sit in a classroom and get an education from someone who most likely cares about you being successful. When you accept knowledge and education, you are pretty much able to accept anything else because you are accepting the fact that you do not everything you are supposed to know. Education if a wonderful topic because you can either accept it or deny it. When you accept it, you most likely become successful. When you deny it, you will probably not be as successful as when you do get an education. Pretty much what I have to say as a conclusion is that you should not let your anger get ahead of you and stop you from trying to learn something new.