I think that this quote is trying to convey a sense of how quickly things can change with one simple thought. Look at the leaders of our world today. What thought changed them from being a doctor or a lawyer to a ruler? We can only shudder in wonderment when we ponder where our own thoughts will lead us. How will we be changed by one simple decision? Will we prosper or fall? My own thoughts worry me. What path shall I choose? I must decide on the life of a writer, psychologist, or something I have yet to know. I can only try to do my best now, so when that time does come I can be prepared. Now, what thoughts will warp the dimensions of my mind?
When your mind thinks of something, but really thinks hard, the thing that you were thinking about opens your eyes to a whole different world. Any new idea gets your brain thinking. When you really listen to the idea and think about it, it never shows you the same thing. Ideas keep popping in our head and we say what if. I love to just sit sometimes and just think about whatever comes to mind. Its a great way to learn new things and new ideas. This is a good way to exercise your brain to get used to thinking critical during school. Thats what this quote means to me. ANTHONY COLE P2
I think this quote is saying that new ideas come every second so express them. As you get older and older your ideas become bigger and bigger. Your brain can never go back to the way it was. Your mind is always expanding because you are always thinking and learning. The way people think determines the the size of their minds. If you think small then your mind will be small. When you think about things everyday your thoughts make your mind larger and larger. Jada Atkins period one
This quote has alot of meanings, but i will just state a few. This quote means that once you have seen something that sparks your mind you will forever be out of the box. I also believe this quote means that if you open your eyes a little more then you could see the better things in life. This quote could also mean that you should always go for your first thought. Never second guess your out if the box decision. Going for something new could influence better things. Lastly, dont think in the obvious mindset open your eyes more than you usually would.
I think this quote is saying that we should not limit our minds.When we were smaller, we may have decided that we wanted to work at McDonald, etc. However, as we got older, our minds thought of bigger and better things. I believe this quote is saying the older we get, we will have more ideas and choices. I think when we get older, we look back and last at the career choices we had when we were smaller. In other words, we are going forward and leaving the past behind.
I think this quote is saying that once we learn something new we can never forget it. Our brain will never just push that out of our heads. So when our brain learns something new we can never get rid of it no matter what happens. Period 4. Donnell Albertie
I believe this quote is saying, once you open your mind to new things, you will grow mentally. New information can expand your thinking abilities. Your mind should be more open after you learn something new. The new ideas will give a boost to your thoughts. After you gain the knowledge, your brain is more developed than it was before it was gained. This quote will motivate me to not be afraid to expand my thinking skills. The more I take in ,the more I will gain.
To me this quote means once you gain new knowledge your brain grows alittle each time. Every little thing or big stretches alittle more each time. Our brains are just like sponges the more we absorb them the bigger they get. We all learn something new everyday which opens our minds to wonder. When our minds wonder there is no telling what can happen. We could do what ever it is we want. All we have to do is open our eyes, ears, and minds and let our brains expand.
What does this mean to me? This quote is saying that once you think about something, and continue to elaborate on it you'll never go back to your first thought. When we think, we use our brains, and we store a lot of information as life continues to go on. As we begin to store new information given our minds begin to drift and we begin to become interested. More so curious on how these functions work. Resulting in, our minds begin to go into another dimension thinking of ways to comprehend this complicated thing called life. -Cherokee Armstrong [1st Perod.]
Once I read this quote, I realized what it meant. This quote means that when you think outside the box, you expand your thought process. Once you have this thought, your mind doesn't completely go back to the way it used to think before. This is a good thing even though it may sound bad. When you think harder, you're making yourself smarter in the process. Everytime you challenged yourself, your mind is letting go of its childish ways and starting to think more like an adult. So continue to try new and harder things and your mind will catch up and never fall back.
As i read this quote, it came to mind that once you start to think of new things, you never can remember what you thought of before. Once you have your 1st thought new ideas start to come to mind and branches off from your first idea. As we grow older & experience new things our minds are taking in new knowledge. We are learninq things day by day, minute by minute, and second by second. So how could we possibly remember everthing that was learned. Our minds are turning into different dimensions from everything that was taken in. Always remember the more you learn your brain wont change, it'll just change into a different dimension.
There are many ways I could describe what this quote is saying. Im going to start by stating, that once a new idea comes to mind it's tagged along with multiple questions and what ifs'. Once the mind grabs a hold of such knowledge it expands. Once something such as the mind expands it doesn't return to its natural frame. It is possible for it to loose knowledge, if drugs are done, but it wil will never return to its normal size. Therefore,it will always have space for new knowledge. Never waste something as precious and valuable as the mind ! -Jalaya Bryant ! 1st Hour
I think this quote is saying a lot of interesting things but I will start off with a few. One thing I think it is saying is that once you think out of the box you will always have endless possibilities. Once you think of something that can change your perspective on something positively, you can always do it again because you did it before. This quote is also saying that there are many ideas in your mind but you have to pick the right idea to bring into action. Once you have the right idea to do something, you will learn how to have positive thoughts for the rest of your life. Every time you learn something your mind expands into something more valuable. We only use 3% of our mind, so when we expand our mind, dream, wonder and act in a way that we can use our mind in the best way we can.
I believe this quote is saying that every idea that we think or suggest doesnt come out the way we thought! Sometimes it comes out better than what we thought about before! But it takes time and effort to make an great idea come to reality...and every idea that you have you always try to make it the one of the best ideas you ever thought of... because you never know what that idea, or suggestion may lead to!
I think Oliver Wendell Holmes is saying once something is put into our head. The knowledge we already know can never decrease or stay at the same level. It can only expand considering, that we've expanded our mind by the knowledge we've just learned. For instance, if you work on something that you haven't worked on before on a consistent basis, I guarantee you that you won't be at the same level you were before.
This quote means that once you come up with a great idea it will never be the same.A idea will always change no matter how hard you try to keep it the same.You will always find some way to change your idea to be greater.Some times its better to change a great idea because it might not work the first time,but the second time when you change your idea it might work.Even if you put all of your work in it there is always room for improvement.As time go by once a great idea will seem to be just another thought to you.As this quote is saying we should never hope to make a idea the same as the one before.
This quote to me means, that once you are fix upon something and it changes you might never be able to go back to the original fixture. An example would be that one day you were walking and you saw a red apple, but see you originally thought it was a pink and white mixture, because red was never the title back then. Now somebody discovers that the title is not call pink/white mixture its called red, now by you now knowing its called red you don't stop to think pink/white mixture you automatically know its a red apple. Using this example many people (most likely babies) always think upon something as to being what they think it is, then once they reach the state of knowing something they never go back to the original idea that was thought of at first. In the mind state of learning is that once you take in something that is classified by a higher learning stance, you tend to be attracted to saying something the right way instead of saying something you THOUGHT was the right way. This is what the quote meant to me !
I think this quote means that once we learn something new that information is with us forever.Your mind will expand with every bit of knowledge you learn and that can never be taken away from you.For example when you first learned to tie your shoes you didnt know how to before,but when somebody taught you that information stuck with you forever.
This quote is explaining that if you come up with an idea then you will always have a second thought. People think of one thing then they will end having second thoughts. This is because many humans in this world think too much so they aren't going to keep the same thought for maybe even a minute. It is either they aren't positive about the idea or they just want something more interesting than that idea. Your mind can put as many thoughts and memories 50x more than you can expect it to hold. Our mind is like another world for each and every individual.
I think this quote means that once you think of a new idea, you retain that idea for ever. Your mind is ever expanding because you think of new ideas all the time. A mind is something that has an unlimited capacity. Once something is inside your mind it will stay there forever. Every bit of knowledge you learn will constantly add to your mind. The moment that you are born, your mind starts to expand with information. This is what I think this quote means.
Wow, this quote has a lot of meaning to it. I think this quote is saying that once you have a great idea more and more great ideas will come. That being said , its like you head becomes more and more filled with junk. Like play-dough once you keep pulling it , it will get longer it not the same size that it was once you first got it. Thats kind of what this quote is saying like at first you ideas are just okay but as time goes on your mind expand with knowledge , important facts etc. Every piece of information you learn will expand you mind of knowledge and want to learn more about. Thats what i think this quote is saying.
To me, I think this quote means, your mind has many different ideas. Every second there are ideas popping in your head. Also, that helps exercise your mind and helps it grow. Sometimes you just sit and think about so many different things. But that is a good thing, because you are being curious, and paying attention to your thoughts. Maybe if you open your mind eye, you could see things in a different way, that you least expected. In conclusion, this is what I think this quote means to me.
This qoute to me is saying that things may change quicker than you expect. Ideas may change daily or even hourly. But once a better idea comes to mind you won't think of the old ones. Maybe to see how better the new idea is compared to the old one. Everything thing you think may think of may get better and better as it goes on in your mind. Also that as your thinking your mind grows more and more ideas to help you think better.
I believe this quote is stating that one simple idea can open your eyes to many other things. Also, that knowledge is one thing that can never be took from you. One good idea can lead to Thousands of great ideas. There is no limit to our minds so we must abuse this power. Something new is learned every single day. When something new is learn the mind expands. Minds will never stay the same dimensions. From the time of birth the mind will begin its journey to learning as much as it is taught.
I believe this quote is stating that a someone's simple thought can be changed when someone else's point of view comes along. When you sit and think about what could be different, your whole way of seeing things can change. When another person imposes a new idea to you, you can observe this and take it in as your own. Once new ideas are brought into your eyes you may not ever want to go back to your original mindset. This thought may strongly change your ways of thinking about a particular subject. This new idea may be even greater than your own and you may soon realize this. Your simple thought can be changed into a brilliant idea.
I believe this quote is stating that once you learn something new your brain developes a little more. Meaning once you learn something new you get a step further in life. One idea leads to another.So therefore your mind doesn't have time to regain its original deminsions.Every time something new is learned the mind expands.Your thoughts lead you to bigger and better things. OPening your eyes to life allows your mind to expand each and every day. Niah Collins p.4 ..
I don't believe this quote just has one meaning. I believe this quote means the more u learn the more your brain grows. But from the quote it would seem as if it meant grow in size. I don't believe it means grow in size, but expands in knowledge. I also believe that it means that someone may have a certain perspective on something. Once this person perspective change on the topic, they will never feel the way they original felt. I also believe when Oliver Wendell Holmes made the quote her intentions was for people to see different meaning for the quote. -DeShay Mukes p4
Everyone has something about this quote the believe is different. I don't because it is quite obvious to me what I see. I believe this quote is trying to say that once you receive some sort of knowledge that different you will never see things the same. Like a regular movie. Then after that you see it in three dimension and its just not the same anymore. That's because when you seen it over and learned something new it doesn't seem the same. That's what I believe this quote is trying to say. Jordan Grady pd 9
I think this quote means that people change their mind alot . People dont go with their first mind . Its nothing wrong with extending your thoughs it makes you a better person in . Sometimes going with first is better sometimes might even make things more clear to you . So basically what i am saying is extend your thoughts when they need to be extended . -Tarkena B. *P9
I Think that This Quote Means , Once You Learn Something New You'll Never Think The Same Way You Did Before You Learned It . Every New Thing You learn Widens Your Knowldege . It Expands Your Brain In A Way . It Widens The Way You Think .
I believe this quote is quite simple. It means once we've reached a new level in knowledge , we are gaining new intelligence. Never will be able to forget that knowledge or new thought. Our minds have reached a certain level. A new level of thinking has been broken. It then becomes our job to follow upon an intelligent thought. A new thought comes every day , but an intelligent thought has to be "thought" of !
This quote is saying that once you think of something new it changes the way you think and act. You don't just go back to how you used to think. In a way it changes you. If you think about the past acheivements, we as a people progressed and added to it. We didn't go back to how we used to live, we improved and expanded our mind set. If you learn of a new and better way of doing things you will continue to do things that way. Not go back to the way things were. -Dana Hudson -Period 1
This quote for some reason reminds me of eating. New ideas are like food to me, like a substance that feeds the brain. When children eat, sometimes the food they eat can help them to grow. Just like an idea feeding the mind to help it to grow. Once the mind is feed it can retain the ideas or information, and in most circumstances, the mind will not be able to return to its original state. My grandmother always tells my sisters and me that knowledge is the key to success. She says, “When you put something in your mind, when you learn something, baby, no one can ever take that away.” Now I understand, once a person has an idea in their head, it’s there until they at least expand on it, even if they forget the idea, it will still be there somewhere in mind space……Thomas Campbell -Period 2
What this quote means to me is that, when you think about something and work it out carefully you won't go to another. You're getting smarter when you think longer and harder. Once you mature and get older, you experience new things and we get more knowledge. When you think of one thing you end up having second thoughts. If you sit and deeply think about something, your mind just want to know more. Your mind helps your grow more ideas as you're thinking. Always listen to your second thoughts and think which is better. -Period 3 (James Taylor)
I believe this quote is saying that once you think of something, that thought is just the start of it all. Because the moment you think of something your brain grows , and from that thought comes another thought which causes your brain to grow even more. So with that being said you will never be as smart as before, you will be even smarter, because each thought branches of into another thought, which causes you to never have the ability to go back to the point you were at when you first thought of something. It’s just like in life when you go through out a day and during that day you learn new life experiences that you add to your knowledge which expands your brain .Then the next day you use the knowledge from those same experiences to learn even more knowledge by adding on to something that you already know. So with that being said everyday is a learning experience and it is up to us to realize and take advantage of that. So with every thought make sure that it branches off into an even greater thought, and don’t try to get back to the first thought. Always look forward towards the new thought so we can progress as a whole and gain as much knowledge as possible. Because without knowledge there wouldn’t be any progress at all .So think of something new and let that thought lead you to an even greater discovery. -Kennedee Gardner♛ -Period 1♥
This quote could mean may things. Saying that once you experienced and learned new things your mind set wont be the same. You wont have the same mind set as you use to have, which could be an example of maturity. If I see that Im maturing and doing better why would I go back to the same old childlike mind set. You shouldnt stay in the same spot you should keep pushing and shriving to do better. In a way your changing. This is basically what this quote means to me. -LaRon Golden *1st Period
This quote has a very strong meaning. This qoute is saying that once you learn something new it never goes away. Your mind allows information to be stored forever. Your mind always expands,meaning old information is never lost. Your mind can't just simply go back to its original dimensions. It expands with every thought and every situation. I apply this qoute to my everyday life. -Khandyz Lee P.1
This quote to me mean when you think about something else it is easy t lose sight of what in front of you.When people think you open your mind to a new choice.For example you go your whole life making good decision.Once you open your mind to that one wrong decision it`s hard to get rid of it.You should try to do more postive things because once you make a bad decision it is hard to go postive.Try not to lose yourself in wrong decision.I hope not to lose myself. DWIGHT MATHEWS PERIOD 3
I think this quote means that once you thought outside the box ,there's no need to think inside the box . Makes you think outside the box . Its telling you that there's other dimensions out there . You just don't have to think one way ,Because every way is not the right way . So broaden you horizon . This what this quote means to me .
I think this quote means that you are in your new learning stage. Why because once you learn something , you learn something else about it. Its like different life expressions. When you learn something new , its a further step into your life. For example , you may think your numbers was 2 , 3 , 5 when you were younger , but as you got older you realize that your numbers is 1 , 2 , 3 ,4. Thats your mind stretched by a new idea. That is what this quote means to me. -Kaylan Lawrence 2nd Period
This quote means that,once you made a decision you can't remake it. You can think of one thing and forget about it the next. You can go a long way of making good decisions , and once you open a new box, then you'll have bad decisions. You should make good decisions all your life because one bad decision can turn your life around. Once you have your mind set on positive thing keep it on that , don't change it, but I hope I don't make any bad decisions in this life time !
I believe this quote means as life goes on you become wiser. Your mind will continue to grow. Once your knowledge increases you begin to think differently. You won't think the same as you onced did. When you become complex, the simpler you starts to disappear. Smart becomes inteligent. This quote means intelligence grows. Jonathan Nunn Period 1
I believe this quote means that if u heighten your intelligences that u will never think the same way you did before. Your view on life would be different.
I think this quote is saying that new ideas come often.Once you gain more knowledge you begin to view things differently.When you learn something new,it puts you a step further ahead. Our brain keeps memories stored forever. Once you experienced and learned new things you wont forget it.You will never be able to forget the knowledge that you gained.One idea leads to another.Your mind will grow with every bit of knowledge you learn,that can never be lost. You will never lose the knowledge you gain. ~MICHAEL BEARD~ ~PERIOD 9~
I think that this quote means that when you think of something good it don't leave your mind right away. It stays in your mind because you took the time to think of it.It is just like when you learn something new it do not leave your mind. Every time you learn something your brain grows.
I think this quote means that we discover new bright ideas everyday and this will continue. This also means that we are still in the brain development process.This quote reminds me of another famous one the mind is a terrible thing to waste.I think we should take adavantage of our bright ideas instead of just letting them go to waste.
I think that this quote is trying to convey a sense of how quickly things can change with one simple thought. Look at the leaders of our world today. What thought changed them from being a doctor or a lawyer to a ruler? We can only shudder in wonderment when we ponder where our own thoughts will lead us. How will we be changed by one simple decision? Will we prosper or fall? My own thoughts worry me. What path shall I choose? I must decide on the life of a writer, psychologist, or something I have yet to know. I can only try to do my best now, so when that time does come I can be prepared. Now, what thoughts will warp the dimensions of my mind?
ReplyDeleteWhen your mind thinks of something, but really thinks hard, the thing that you were thinking about opens your eyes to a whole different world. Any new idea gets your brain thinking. When you really listen to the idea and think about it, it never shows you the same thing. Ideas keep popping in our head and we say what if. I love to just sit sometimes and just think about whatever comes to mind. Its a great way to learn new things and new ideas. This is a good way to exercise your brain to get used to thinking critical during school. Thats what this quote means to me.
I think this quote is saying that new ideas come every second so express them. As you get older and older your ideas become bigger and bigger. Your brain can never go back to the way it was. Your mind is always expanding because you are always thinking and learning. The way people think determines the the size of their minds. If you think small then your mind will be small. When you think about things everyday your thoughts make your mind larger and larger. Jada Atkins period one
ReplyDeleteThis quote has alot of meanings, but i will just state a few. This quote means that once you have seen something that sparks your mind you will forever be out of the box. I also believe this quote means that if you open your eyes a little more then you could see the better things in life. This quote could also mean that you should always go for your first thought. Never second guess your out if the box decision. Going for something new could influence better things. Lastly, dont think in the obvious mindset open your eyes more than you usually would.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote is saying that we should not limit our minds.When we were smaller, we may have decided that we wanted to work at McDonald, etc. However, as we got older, our minds thought of bigger and better things. I believe this quote is saying the older we get, we will have more ideas and choices. I think when we get older, we look back and last at the career choices we had when we were smaller. In other words, we are going forward and leaving the past behind.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote is saying that once we learn something new we can never forget it. Our brain will never just push that out of our heads. So when our brain learns something new we can never get rid of it no matter what happens.
ReplyDeletePeriod 4. Donnell Albertie
I believe this quote is saying, once you open your mind to new things, you will grow mentally. New information can expand your thinking abilities. Your mind should be more open after you learn something new. The new ideas will give a boost to your thoughts. After you gain the knowledge, your brain is more developed than it was before it was gained. This quote will motivate me to not be afraid to expand my thinking skills. The more I take in ,the more I will gain.
ReplyDelete-Period 2↑
-Eric Scott↑
To me this quote means once you gain new knowledge your brain grows alittle each time. Every little thing or big stretches alittle more each time. Our brains are just like sponges the more we absorb them the bigger they get. We all learn something new everyday which opens our minds to wonder. When our minds wonder there is no telling what can happen. We could do what ever it is we want. All we have to do is open our eyes, ears, and minds and let our brains expand.
ReplyDeleteWhat does this mean to me? This quote is saying that once you think about something, and continue to elaborate on it you'll never go back to your first thought. When we think, we use our brains, and we store a lot of information as life continues to go on. As we begin to store new information given our minds begin to drift and we begin to become interested. More so curious on how these functions work. Resulting in, our minds begin to go into another dimension thinking of ways to comprehend this complicated thing called life. -Cherokee Armstrong [1st Perod.]
ReplyDeleteOnce I read this quote, I realized what it meant. This quote means that when you think outside the box, you expand your thought process. Once you have this thought, your mind doesn't completely go back to the way it used to think before. This is a good thing even though it may sound bad. When you think harder, you're making yourself smarter in the process. Everytime you challenged yourself, your mind is letting go of its childish ways and starting to think more like an adult. So continue to try new and harder things and your mind will catch up and never fall back.
ReplyDelete-Caylyn Weatherspoon
Period 1
As i read this quote, it came to mind that once you start to think of new things, you never can remember what you thought of before. Once you have your 1st thought new ideas start to come to mind and branches off from your first idea. As we grow older & experience new things our minds are taking in new knowledge. We are learninq things day by day, minute by minute, and second by second. So how could we possibly remember everthing that was learned. Our minds are turning into different dimensions from everything that was taken in. Always remember the more you learn your brain wont change, it'll just change into a different dimension.
ReplyDelete--Destiney Reed
-Period 1*
There are many ways I could describe what this quote is saying. Im going to start by stating, that once a new idea comes to mind it's tagged along with multiple questions and what ifs'. Once the mind grabs a hold of such knowledge it expands. Once something such as the mind expands it doesn't return to its natural frame. It is possible for it to loose knowledge, if drugs are done, but it wil will never return to its normal size. Therefore,it will always have space for new knowledge. Never waste something as precious and valuable as the mind !
ReplyDelete-Jalaya Bryant !
1st Hour
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote is saying a lot of interesting things but I will start off with a few. One thing I think it is saying is that once you think out of the box you will always have endless possibilities. Once you think of something that can change your perspective on something positively, you can always do it again because you did it before. This quote is also saying that there are many ideas in your mind but you have to pick the right idea to bring into action. Once you have the right idea to do something, you will learn how to have positive thoughts for the rest of your life. Every time you learn something your mind expands into something more valuable. We only use 3% of our mind, so when we expand our mind, dream, wonder and act in a way that we can use our mind in the best way we can.
ReplyDelete-*Diamante Vega* !
-1st hour !
I believe this quote is saying that every idea that we think or suggest doesnt come out the way we thought! Sometimes it comes out better than what we thought about before! But it takes time and effort to make an great idea come to reality...and every idea that you have you always try to make it the one of the best ideas you ever thought of... because you never know what that idea, or suggestion may lead to!
ReplyDeleteCiara Frazier
Period 4 :- )
I think Oliver Wendell Holmes is saying once something is put into our head. The knowledge we already know can never decrease or stay at the same level. It can only expand considering, that we've expanded our mind by the knowledge we've just learned. For instance, if you work on something that you haven't worked on before on a consistent basis, I guarantee you that you won't be at the same level you were before.
ReplyDeleteArthur Haggard, 3rd period
This quote means that once you come up with a great idea it will never be the same.A idea will always change no matter how hard you try to keep it the same.You will always find some way to change your idea to be greater.Some times its better to change a great idea because it might not work the first time,but the second time when you change your idea it might work.Even if you put all of your work in it there is always room for improvement.As time go by once a great idea will seem to be just another thought to you.As this quote is saying we should never hope to make a idea the same as the one before.
ReplyDeleteAaron Rivera
period 3
This quote to me means, that once you are fix upon something and it changes you might never be able to go back to the original fixture. An example would be that one day you were walking and you saw a red apple, but see you originally thought it was a pink and white mixture, because red was never the title back then. Now somebody discovers that the title is not call pink/white mixture its called red, now by you now knowing its called red you don't stop to think pink/white mixture you automatically know its a red apple. Using this example many people (most likely babies) always think upon something as to being what they think it is, then once they reach the state of knowing something they never go back to the original idea that was thought of at first. In the mind state of learning is that once you take in something that is classified by a higher learning stance, you tend to be attracted to saying something the right way instead of saying something you THOUGHT was the right way. This is what the quote meant to me !
ReplyDelete-Olivia Allen
I think this quote means that once we learn something new that information is with us forever.Your mind will expand with every bit of knowledge you learn and that can never be taken away from you.For example when you first learned to tie your shoes you didnt know how to before,but when somebody taught you that information stuck with you forever.
ReplyDelete-Nia Carey
This quote is explaining that if you come up with an idea then you will always have a second thought. People think of one thing then they will end having second thoughts. This is because many humans in this world think too much so they aren't going to keep the same thought for maybe even a minute. It is either they aren't positive about the idea or they just want something more interesting than that idea. Your mind can put as many thoughts and memories 50x more than you can expect it to hold. Our mind is like another world for each and every individual.
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
-Aaramis Hill
I think this quote means that once you think of a new idea, you retain that idea for ever. Your mind is ever expanding because you think of new ideas all the time. A mind is something that has an unlimited capacity. Once something is inside your mind it will stay there forever. Every bit of knowledge you learn will constantly add to your mind. The moment that you are born, your mind starts to expand with information. This is what I think this quote means.
ReplyDeleteJoshua Bishop-1st Period
Wow, this quote has a lot of meaning to it. I think this quote is saying that once you have a great idea more and more great ideas will come. That being said , its like you head becomes more and more filled with junk. Like play-dough once you keep pulling it , it will get longer it not the same size that it was once you first got it. Thats kind of what this quote is saying like at first you ideas are just okay but as time goes on your mind expand with knowledge , important facts etc. Every piece of information you learn will expand you mind of knowledge and want to learn more about. Thats what i think this quote is saying.
ReplyDeleteTo me, I think this quote means, your mind has many different ideas. Every second there are ideas popping in your head. Also, that helps exercise your mind and helps it grow. Sometimes you just sit and think about so many different things. But that is a good thing, because you are being curious, and paying attention to your thoughts. Maybe if you open your mind eye, you could see things in a different way, that you least expected. In conclusion, this is what I think this quote means to me.
ReplyDelete-Jackeelyn Scott
-Period 3
This qoute to me is saying that things may change quicker than you expect. Ideas may change daily or even hourly. But once a better idea comes to mind you won't think of the old ones. Maybe to see how better the new idea is compared to the old one. Everything thing you think may think of may get better and better as it goes on in your mind. Also that as your thinking your mind grows more and more ideas to help you think better.
ReplyDelete-Tenaytia Sanford
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
I believe this quote is stating that one simple idea can open your eyes to many other things. Also, that knowledge is one thing that can never be took from you. One good idea can lead to Thousands of great ideas. There is no limit to our minds so we must abuse this power. Something new is learned every single day. When something new is learn the mind expands. Minds will never stay the same dimensions. From the time of birth the mind will begin its journey to learning as much as it is taught.
ReplyDeleteI believe this quote is stating that a someone's simple thought can be changed when someone else's point of view comes along. When you sit and think about what could be different, your whole way of seeing things can change. When another person imposes a new idea to you, you can observe this and take it in as your own. Once new ideas are brought into your eyes you may not ever want to go back to your original mindset. This thought may strongly change your ways of thinking about a particular subject. This new idea may be even greater than your own and you may soon realize this. Your simple thought can be changed into a brilliant idea.
ReplyDelete-* Desiree Williams ; Period 1 !
I believe this quote is stating that once you learn something new your brain developes a little more. Meaning once you learn something new you get a step further in life. One idea leads to another.So therefore your mind doesn't have time to regain its original deminsions.Every time something new is learned the mind expands.Your thoughts lead you to bigger and better things. OPening your eyes to life allows your mind to expand each and every day.
ReplyDeleteNiah Collins p.4
I don't believe this quote just has one meaning. I believe this quote means the more u learn the more your brain grows. But from the quote it would seem as if it meant grow in size. I don't believe it means grow in size, but expands in knowledge. I also believe that it means that someone may have a certain perspective on something. Once this person perspective change on the topic, they will never feel the way they original felt. I also believe when Oliver Wendell Holmes made the quote her intentions was for people to see different meaning for the quote.
ReplyDelete-DeShay Mukes
I think that this quote is saying that once you learn something new, it's more than likely that it will never leave your brain. So basically if you learn the basic then you will be able to take it to different levels and keep moving up. For example at a early age you learn how to add. Well that'll never change on how you know to do it. But as you get older you will end up doing different levels of adding. So it basically leads you from one to another idea. As you grow up you start to finally think and your brain develops to where you can keep adding levels and challenging yourself.
ReplyDelete-Ryndéa F.
Period 4
Everyone has something about this quote the believe is different. I don't because it is quite obvious to me what I see. I believe this quote is trying to say that once you receive some sort of knowledge that different you will never see things the same. Like a regular movie. Then after that you see it in three dimension and its just not the same anymore. That's because when you seen it over and learned something new it doesn't seem the same. That's what I believe this quote is trying to say. Jordan Grady pd 9
ReplyDeleteI think this quote means that people change their mind alot . People dont go with their first mind . Its nothing wrong with extending your thoughs it makes you a better person in . Sometimes going with first is better sometimes might even make things more clear to you . So basically what i am saying is extend your thoughts when they need to be extended .
ReplyDelete-Tarkena B.
I Think that This Quote Means , Once You Learn Something New You'll Never Think The Same Way You Did Before You Learned It . Every New Thing You learn Widens Your Knowldege . It Expands Your Brain In A Way . It Widens The Way You Think .
ReplyDelete- Sean Strickland
- Period 3
I believe this quote is quite simple. It means once we've reached a new level in knowledge , we are gaining new intelligence. Never will be able to forget that knowledge or new thought. Our minds have reached a certain level. A new level of thinking has been broken. It then becomes our job to follow upon an intelligent thought. A new thought comes every day , but an intelligent thought has to be "thought" of !
ReplyDelete- Ms.Olivia Griffin
-1st Period (:
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ReplyDeleteThis quote is saying that once you think of something new it changes the way you think and act. You don't just go back to how you used to think. In a way it changes you. If you think about the past acheivements, we as a people progressed and added to it. We didn't go back to how we used to live, we improved and expanded our mind set. If you learn of a new and better way of doing things you will continue to do things that way. Not go back to the way things were.
ReplyDelete-Dana Hudson
-Period 1
This quote for some reason reminds me of eating. New ideas are like food to me, like a substance that feeds the brain. When children eat, sometimes the food they eat can help them to grow. Just like an idea feeding the mind to help it to grow. Once the mind is feed it can retain the ideas or information, and in most circumstances, the mind will not be able to return to its original state. My grandmother always tells my sisters and me that knowledge is the key to success. She says, “When you put something in your mind, when you learn something, baby, no one can ever take that away.” Now I understand, once a person has an idea in their head, it’s there until they at least expand on it, even if they forget the idea, it will still be there somewhere in mind space……Thomas Campbell -Period 2
ReplyDeleteWhat this quote means to me is that, when you think about something and work it out carefully you won't go to another. You're getting smarter when you think longer and harder. Once you mature and get older, you experience new things and we get more knowledge. When you think of one thing you end up having second thoughts. If you sit and deeply think about something, your mind just want to know more. Your mind helps your grow more ideas as you're thinking. Always listen to your second thoughts and think which is better.
ReplyDelete-Period 3 (James Taylor)
I believe this quote is saying that once you think of something, that thought is just the start of it all. Because the moment you think of something your brain grows , and from that thought comes another thought which causes your brain to grow even more. So with that being said you will never be as smart as before, you will be even smarter, because each thought branches of into another thought, which causes you to never have the ability to go back to the point you were at when you first thought of something. It’s just like in life when you go through out a day and during that day you learn new life experiences that you add to your knowledge which expands your brain .Then the next day you use the knowledge from those same experiences to learn even more knowledge by adding on to something that you already know. So with that being said everyday is a learning experience and it is up to us to realize and take advantage of that. So with every thought make sure that it branches off into an even greater thought, and don’t try to get back to the first thought. Always look forward towards the new thought so we can progress as a whole and gain as much knowledge as possible. Because without knowledge there wouldn’t be any progress at all .So think of something new and let that thought lead you to an even greater discovery.
ReplyDelete-Kennedee Gardner♛
-Period 1♥
This quote could mean may things. Saying that once you experienced and learned new things your mind set wont be the same. You wont have the same mind set as you use to have, which could be an example of maturity. If I see that Im maturing and doing better why would I go back to the same old childlike mind set. You shouldnt stay in the same spot you should keep pushing and shriving to do better. In a way your changing. This is basically what this quote means to me.
ReplyDelete-LaRon Golden
*1st Period
This quote has a very strong meaning. This qoute is saying that once you learn something new it never goes away. Your mind allows information to be stored forever. Your mind always expands,meaning old information is never lost. Your mind can't just simply go back to its original dimensions. It expands with every thought and every situation. I apply this qoute to my everyday life.
ReplyDelete-Khandyz Lee P.1
This quote to me mean when you think about something else it is easy t lose sight of what in front of you.When people think you open your mind to a new choice.For example you go your whole life making good decision.Once you open your mind to that one wrong decision it`s hard to get rid of it.You should try to do more postive things because once you make a bad decision it is hard to go postive.Try not to lose yourself in wrong decision.I hope not to lose myself. DWIGHT MATHEWS PERIOD 3
ReplyDeleteI think this quote means that once you thought outside the box ,there's no need to think inside the box . Makes you think outside the box . Its telling you that there's other dimensions out there . You just don't have to think one way ,Because every way is not the right way . So broaden you horizon . This what this quote means to me .
ReplyDeleteShayla Richardson
Period : 3
I think this quote means that you are in your new learning stage. Why because once you learn something , you learn something else about it. Its like different life expressions. When you learn something new , its a further step into your life. For example , you may think your numbers was 2 , 3 , 5 when you were younger , but as you got older you realize that your numbers is 1 , 2 , 3 ,4. Thats your mind stretched by a new idea. That is what this quote means to me.
ReplyDelete-Kaylan Lawrence
2nd Period
This quote means that,once you made a decision you can't remake it. You can think of one thing and forget about it the next. You can go a long way of making good decisions , and once you open a new box, then you'll have bad decisions. You should make good decisions all your life because one bad decision can turn your life around. Once you have your mind set on positive thing keep it on that , don't change it, but I hope I don't make any bad decisions in this life time !
ReplyDeleteAlexis Hunt
2nd Period
I believe this quote means as life goes on you become wiser. Your mind will continue to grow. Once your knowledge increases you begin to think differently. You won't think the same as you onced did. When you become complex, the simpler you starts to disappear. Smart becomes inteligent. This quote means intelligence grows.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Nunn Period 1
I believe this quote means that if u heighten your intelligences that u will never think the same way you did before. Your view on life would be different.
ReplyDeleteDa'Von Brown 4th period
I think this quote is saying that new ideas come often.Once you gain more knowledge you begin to view things differently.When you learn something new,it puts you a step further ahead. Our brain keeps memories stored forever. Once you experienced and learned new things you wont forget it.You will never be able to forget the knowledge that you gained.One idea leads to another.Your mind will grow with every bit of knowledge you learn,that can never be lost. You will never lose the knowledge you gain. ~MICHAEL BEARD~ ~PERIOD 9~
ReplyDeleteI think that this quote means that when you think of something good it don't leave your mind right away. It stays in your mind because you took the time to think of it.It is just like when you learn something new it do not leave your mind. Every time you learn something your brain grows.
ReplyDeleteI think this quote means that we discover new bright ideas everyday and this will continue. This also means that we are still in the brain development process.This quote reminds me of another famous one the mind is a terrible thing to waste.I think we should take adavantage of our bright ideas instead of just letting them go to waste.