Monday, October 3, 2011

Success is...

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
~Micheal Jordan


  1. This quote is saying failing is good just know that you will eventually succeed. As long as you keep trying that's what will count the most. You can never give up because then you will never reach success. When you finally succeed you can Look back at all the times you failed and be glad that you never quit. You must stay strong and take your downfalls as a booster to keep going. You have to be willing to work for where you want to be in life. Whatever you do never give up and never doubt yourself!

    `Periød ²
    `Ériç Scøtt

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  4. This quote means to me that sometimes its okay to fail but make sure you learn from it.Some times you will fail over and over but if you keep trying you should get it. Life is full of surprises just because you mess up a few times do not give up.Once you succeed at that thing you was trying over and over you will fell good about yourself.SO that is what this quote means to me.

    Adam James hour 2

  5. This quote is saying that failing is good. If you fail more than once, you'll try much harder to succeed. In other words, in order to suceed you have too have some failures in your life. When you fail, you can prove to others that you can succeed by getting back up again. We should be like a punching ball, when we are knocked down over and over, we should always bounce back up. After we get up, we should start all over again.

  6. - What this quote is stating that its okay to fail because if you keep trying you will eventually succeed . I know sometimes people tend to just give up when they continue to fail at somethinq . But really sometimes you have to fail at somethings more then once in order to succeed at it . But if you give up that's just like you're saying you're okay with failure . I know for a fact with me that Failure is NOT an option because i'm gonna keep trying my hardest and best to succeed in my expectations what ever it is . People just have to learn that its okay to make mistakes because nobody's perfect . You just gotta take your downfalls as lessons learned and keep striving for the best..!
    - Shania_Simonê (.Period 2 ] !

  7. This quote is saying that sometimes when you fail, its helps you to become more successful in life ! It may be hard at first but sometimes it takes a few falls to achieve and succeed in life, no matter what. This quote also means that its okay to fail sometimes, but its up to you to learn from it, and keep moving forward !

    Ciara Frazier

    Period - 4

    : )

  8. I think this quote is basically saying once you fail so many times you tends to get better at whatever you're doing and succeed. Some things you may not get right off the top ,but you will eventually get it. I have tried many things over and over again and now i am a master of my own ability. Dont think that when you fail it's something wrong because in reality you're just getting better. Hard work pays off. When failing all you do is learn from your mistakes and keep going on with life. That is my thought about this quote.

    -Destiney Reed
    --1st Hour

  9. I think this quote is saying that once you make a mistake you can learn from it to make the next situation easier. A wise person always learns from their mistakes and the mistakes of others. This quote is also saying that you should never quit just because something went wrong the first time. When something doesn't go the way you had planned it to go it can give you a chance to try something again. Once you do it over you can learn to continue and become even more successful than you already were. A successful person should never quit because something unexpected happened. Not everyone has the chance to make it right so why not take the chance when its right in front of you.

  10. I think this quote is saying that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.The more negative feedback you get from people,then the more you will push harder to reach to your goals.Many successful people that we look up to today just didnt become successful over night.Im sure they had sat backs,but the most important part is that they didnt let that stop them from reaching their dreams.Like the famous quote goes "Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street".

    Nia Carey
    4th Hour

  11. to me this qoute is saying that no matter how many times you try and fail , you learn something different each time. If we make mistakes , it's very common that we learn from and correct the next time around. Another thing im getting from this qoute is that everytime we fail , it is only reparing us for something greater in life...think about. If we make a mistake in high school , then make that same mistake in college , my the time we are in the real world on our own we should have already learned from those mistakes and improved them for a greater purpose in life. This is what i think this quote is saying.

    [ ' Victoria Hinton ' ]
    [ ' o9 th hour ( last hour ) ' ]

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  13. In my opinion, this quote is basically saying people who are succesful didn't just get there by luck. To be succesful you must have failed at some time. In order to get to the top you must start at the bottom. The path you take will have a few bumps in the rode and other obstacles, but you must overcome that. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has ever had it that easily. The quote that comes to mid is : "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!" That is just my basic thought of the quote.
    -Jalaya Bryant
    -1st Hr

  14. To me this quote means you have to fail to understand what you have to do to get success. Most of the mistakes you make only make you stronger and better. For example in sports you have to meet failure over and over again to gain what you need to get better. Life is a challenge and you have to be prepared for what it has in store for you. Sometimes you can just blow through it. Sometimes it takes time. Either way you cannot be afraid to fail.

    Jerontae Bess
    pd. 4

  15. I believe this quote is saying that the only way to succeed in life is to fail and to learn from that failure. Because in life most people think that when you fail that it’s all over and there no getting back up, but the truth is that it’s just starting. Because everyone fails and you should just face it, because no one is perfect and you can’t change that, so face it. By saying this I mean don’t run away from failure by not trying because you’re scared of failing, because in all actuality the only failure in life is not trying. By saying this I mean that failure is the beginning to success, because the only way you will be able to know right from wrong is by learning the lesson personally, by failing. So don’t take failure as a sign to give up but take it as a sign to keep going and to try again. And if you fail again just keep trying because that only means that you didn’t fully learn the lesson that is at hand. Because in life you will fail numerous of times probably at only one thing to the point where you think you can’t overcome it but really the failure is teaching you more to be able to overcome it and more things like it in the future. So with saying that don’t be afraid to fail because the number one thing that stops people from succeeding is the fear of failure not failing. So in all actuality the only thing that would be stopping you from success would be you. Because there is always a reason why you failed which is to teach you the numerous amount of life lessons that you need to know in order to succeed. And without this lesson you wouldn’t know what and what not to do in order to achieve/gain success. You also wouldn’t know what to do when something bad happened because you would‘ve never experienced failure and you wouldn’t have learned the lesson of strength and how to overcome the situation at hand. So with that being said don’t be afraid to fail because failure is one of the greatest privileges that we have, because it teaches us every life lesson that we need to be successful and happy. So with that being said I believe we shouldn’t be afraid to fail because it will only make us better so fail today, tomorrow, and the day after until you understand the lesson because failure is a short term thing and success is not. So don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid of not failing because without failure you wouldn’t succeed.
    -Kennedee Gardner*
    -Period 1 *

  16. To me this quote means that you will more than likely fail before you succeed. Failing isn't always bad. Failing sometimes could be good because it will make you do better the next time trying it. Succeeding isn't always easy to do. It takes time to do that. Failing isn't good but it can help you become closer to being perfect. There is a saying that say practice makes perfect.

    -Ryndéa Foster
    Period 4

  17. -To me this quote means a lot. I really have failed a lot of times and I have came back from it. When people fail they have to try and do better the next time. Many celebrities have failed in life and look at them now. Failing could be a really good thing as well because after failing and you try and pass after that you won't have anything to worry about. Failing does not have to just deal with school it's in life. Many failed attempts mean just come harder next time.
    -Endya Holland

  18. What this quote means to me is that it doesn't matter if you fail you can succeed. I feel the more you fail the stronger and wiser you get. You learn from your mistakes and learn what to do and what not to do. Life is all about increase and you have make decrease to increase.
    -Nehemiah Daniels 4th period

  19. Failure is a big part of life . Without failure no one would learn from their mistakes. Your trials and tribulations lead to a tremendous victory! Failing on makes you stronger. If you go through life thinking you have never failed at anything,you will never learn anything. Everything you do has a specific purpose. The purpose of failure is to find out why you failed, and what you can do to avoid failing again. -Niah Collins 4th period

  20. I think failure is a big part of life. Some don't know that failure can be one of the best things that can happen. If you didn't fail and suceeded at everything you did when you first did it then nothing would be fun. It is okayy to fail. The more you fail the closer you will become to succeeding. A lot of people want to succed but need to know that a key part of success is to fail.
    -Tenaytia Sanford



  22. I think this quote means that failing is a part of life. When you fail it makes you work harder to succeed the next time around. When you fail it help you to learn from it so you can succeed the next time. When you fail its nobodies fault but yours, it you don't expect nothing out of life then that's exactly what your going to get. If you strive for the best then you will succeed gratefully and learn from your mistakes in the the past.

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  24. This quote means to me if you fall just get back up. Try,try,try tell you succeed. If you fail that doesn't mean the end of the world it just mean you find out what you did wrong. You should find out how to prevent this from happening again. failing is not wrong if you learn from your mistakes. Failing is the first step to success. Never give up!
    ThomasC.Campbell III
    period 2

  25. This quote to me means that all those times you fail (how ever many that may be) you will always get back up. To me failure opens up the way to success. Depending on who you are will determine the mistakes that you will make as a certain individual. There might be some things that other people succeed at that you may not, or vise versa. It just means that there will always be obstacles, that aren't really there to take you down, but to better yourself. Maybe one day whoever you might be you'll understand that without obstacles there's no you. Obstacles is what makes up different from God, because he is perfection without flaw, plain and simple, obstacles draw the line between man kind and God.

    -Olivia Allen

  26. I think this quote is saying that failure is not an option but, it's okay to fail once but if you get back up and try again you will be successful. Some people fail constantly think they can't be successful ever in life. Everyone makes mistakes in life, just try and fix them the next time. We sometimes get better when we see we have failed, because we know we need to do better. Failing helps us get better in life. Alot of people think you're just supposed to get good grades all the time, but life has failute in it. Never let failure stop you from being successful.

    -James Taylor (period 3) O

  27. i think this quote truly means that no matter what you do in life you are going to fail! failure is the best option when it comes down to the point. i say this because by failing it makes you strong and makes your drive for succeeding even stronger ! a man (my dad) once told me " your failures are what make you stronger so don't cry or pout when you fail because the truth of the matter is your victory will be more fruitful and meaningful because you have to work even harder to get to where you want to be." that touched my heart and every since then my failures are what makes me great. by saying this you should not get upset when you fail just try again and again and again because it will make you a better person ! 3rd period !

  28. Everyone measures success in a different way. No on wants to fail. I guess this quote means that maybe failure is in your head. Just because you don't do as good as you wanted to doesn't mean you fail. It makes you work harder and harder. You get closer and closer to your level of success. In the end you succeed without even knowing.

    Asha Walker
    Period 1

  29. I believe what this quote is trying to say is that success doesn't happen without failure. It is a process. You cannot just dive into fame, you need practice. This is not just something that happens over night, it takes time. Once you start to work hard even with several attempts, you begin to change for the better. You have to fail to eventually pass. Everybody is not perfect, but with practice, it makes perfect.

  30. This quote mean that no matter how many times you fail you can always come back. You have a life time of failures and victories you just have to take them one at a time. As you go though each one you just try to learn from it. Just don't let it get you so far down that you will give up,for every failure there is a success. Such as "Pain & Pride"(Champion) meaning with out failure you will never know true victory. Champions aren't born they are made that is why we are given test made for us to fail. So we can have the chance to see what victory really is. That is why we must get back up dust the dirt off and get right back to it. So we can keep moving forward, for it is no time to stop and ask questions for everything.

    period 3
    Aaron Rivera

  31. I think this quote is a inspirational quote. Basically because its telling you don't give up! Soon as you give up you can't accomplish your goals. So pushing the limits even when you fail makes you stronger. Everybody has failed once and when you give up you don't know how it feels to win. So don't give up and keep striving. If you keep going after those goals you'll make it to your dream. -jordan grady -period8

  32. I think what Michael Jordan is saying is that he wouldn't be successful if he hadn't failed before. For instance, if you don't fall you won't know how it feels to get up. I read in Michael Jordan's autobiography that he had been cut by his high school basketball team and missed over 2000 game winning shots n the NBA. He said that thanks to him being cut it pushed him to work even harder to play not only in college but the NBA. He also said if he hadn't missed 2000 game winning shots he wouldn't have knew how to hit 3000 game winning shots.

    Arthur Haggard, period 3

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  34. To me what this quote is saying , you may feel like your failing in life but at the end you will succeed . Michael Jordan is saying to never give up push yourself to the furthest . Also if you dont fail a couple times you never will know what to do in the future. This is what the quote means to me .

    Lynetta Abrams
    Period : 4

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