Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Food for thought!

All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.
~ Johann Goethe


  1. What this qoute is stating is that all great thinkers of the world have already thought great things.It is not necessary to try to pass them off as your own.You can try to think of what someone else said but,only you can think of something you can say.Intelligent things have already been thought of, said, and put a name on.Why do you must take someone elses thought when you have a mind of your own?It is ok to think the thought of someone else,but dont pass it off as your own.That is what this qoute is saying to me.
    Airiel Johnson
    Period 3

  2. I think this quote is saying that if you have an intelligent though it doesn't mean that you are the first person to think of it. So all you can do is just think of it again. No one thought is owned by just one person there are many people who think the same things everyday. But the person that goes and shares his or her thoughts with everyone else is the one who gets the credit for it. So if you think of something intelligent go out and tell the world what you have to say. Like the invention of the fan or stoplight or even cars was not though up but just one person there were many people that though to make those thing. But the person who when out and did all the work to get it here gets all of the credit for it. -Da'Von Brown 4th period

  3. What I think this quote means is that everything positive has already been thouqht of.Our job is to rethink those thoughts so that they apply to our lives.This qoute applies to my life in many ways.For example,If i think positive,I will do positive things.This quote is basically saying that intelligent people think intelligent things.So therefore,what you think has already been thought of by someone else. Whatever you intelligently think is the same thing someone else intelligent thought,just in a way that applies to your life.
    -Niah Collins

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  5. To me this means, when you think over and over again about something you could get a more desirable outcome. Never settle for primitave thoughts when you can go above and beyond. Also it's saying open your mind and be more creative. You can be a leader aswell. Challenge yourself to have a more achieving mind set. This quote could be a motivation for myself and to many others.Put your mind to work and achieve more.

    -Period 2
    - Eric Scott

  6. In my own thoughts, this quote means what is thought today someone else has already thought the same thing. Now everyone has the same mind frame. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. His dream was that blacks and whites came together. He had many intelligent thoughts. If we re-think the intelligent thoughts that have already been thought, we can improve them. What I mean by improve is if someone has achieved something try to do better. We can use these Intelligent thoughts in our everyday life. If you believe you will achieve.

    -Destiney Reed
    -Period 1

  7. I think this quote mean just because you come up with a thought that's intelligent doesn't mean its yours to keep. Many people before you thought of the same intelligent thought before you. It's always going to be an intelligent thought that comes to mine and someone else going to think of it before you do. What is necessary is thinking of how to improve the thought.It's always room for improvement.There is know perfect thought that doesn't need improving. What i'm trying to say is it's always someone ten times ahead of you thinking the same thought. The intelligent thing is improving that thought.

    -Thomas C. Campbell
    -period 2

  8. Well I basically think this post is telling us as people to be creative and come up with our own individual ideas what do you need to copy off of someones (idea or invention) you have a brain of your own you seriously don't have to basically copy and paste an idea that's not yours that makes you look weak and pathetic because no matter what you say that's cheating its called get it together and be orginal-jordan grady period 8

  9. Basically this quote is saying that every intelligent thought that has actually been accomplished, we as people can also do the same thing,even better! Basically never settling for less, and just trying to reach your goals in life.No matter how things may seem, or how hard things may get we should always try to accomplish and achieve these intelligent thoughts so we can make a difference just like ; Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Bessie Coleman, and so more influential people who began theses brilliant thoughts! Now its up to us if we want to carry on the intelligent thoughts and creations !- Ciara Frazier period 4

  10. i think this quote means that the intelligent thoughts have already been thought. we have to be intelligent to rethink these thoughts. we can think of alot of ignorant things, but only so many people can think of intelligent things. people have there own talents they just have to put their brains and talents together to create new intelligent thoughts. never settle for less because that will only show that you are weak minded and not intelligent o do new things.
    ~a'ticeia crockett

  11. I think this quote means your idea somebody else already thought of. To me its saying that anything you think of somebody else then thought of.I also think this comment means what ever you come up with be creative.You can think of something that somebody already thought, but didn't follow through, you can make it come true.I guess the saying great minds think a like.
    Devin Matthews period 3

  12. This quote has a powerful meaning. It's stating that it's our duty to think the thoughts that people before us have thought. What we need to do with those thoughts is to use them to further our knowledge about the things we want to accomplish in life. By doing that, we can and will be successful in life becauuse we can think deeply about situations that may come our way. If we can do that, then that means we can overcome things in life that may be troubling for us. Overcoming obstacles is what life is about. And by actually thinking about things and not just saying them, we can become better people because we will be able to seem and be the intellegent people we need to be to succeed in life.
    -Eryicka J. Wesley
    Period 1

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  14. To me this quote means like we as young people think of things that help us grow but we second guess because of what the other would say like lauqh,talk about them,we as young people should take responsibity of rasin this world because its our time now make history..with the genaration we living in now..most teens dont wanna take up a responsibitly of rasing the world but will take part in destroying it..We Have Good THoughts but Dont Wanna SAY them because there afriad ..EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS BE YOU..YOU DETERMIND YO FUTURE..

    2nd PERiOD.

  15. To me i think this quote specifically is saying that, this upcoming generation has to set there own thoughts so that we can think. We have had a lot of thoughts, but there where people who put them down.Thats going to determine our upcoming generation. So we need to stand up and let what we have to say be heard or we will stay like this. We need to be heard. We need to dhow the world how smart we really are. So thats what i though of the quote. Ms Johnson you did a good job with this quote.

  16. To me this quote is saying alot things. This quote has a strong meaning. This quote is powerful and means different things. This quote is saying that even if some one thought of a great thought we should think of a better one. It also says that before we could think some one before us thought of a better thought and we should think harder. We should come up with a better thought than that even if it was good. It also says that we will grow and mature and think better. Thats what i think the quote is saying.

    Period 2
    Anthony Horde

  17. To me this quote means that its always room for improvement.All intellengent thoughts have already been thought but if think we can still change somethings.For example Martin L. King Jr had the thought of black and whites getting alone,but its still isnt happpening in some places,so are generation can think of other ways to make his thought come true.

    -Nia N. Carey
    Last Hour

  18. I think this quote is saying a lot of interesting things. The first thing I thought when I read this quote was that we are the future and if we aren't thinking right then who will. All thoughts travel but who will be the one to put that thought into action. Words are just words and thoughts are just thoughts until someone bring them into action. We also have to be the ones to think right and then do right. When you think right you do right. When you do right people see as a right human being. You will be able to be counted on because you have positive thoughts and eventually will have a positive influence on someone else's life.

    Diamante Vega
    -1st perriod

  19. To me this quote means to me first of all that all thoughts are intelligent because everyone is intelligent. If you know your thought is good then you should share it. You cant just let a good idea fade away and go to waste. You have to take your thought from out your head and put it out there. You never know , your thought or idea could be the one to change the world. Most people know they have an itelligent idea but they dont know if its intelligent to other peope so they put it off and leave it in the back of their mind. If YOU dont claim YOUR thought , SOMEONE ELSE will.

  20. To me this quote is saying that we should try to learn from the previous great ideas. We should use these ideas as an example to better our own. Not to take credit for someone else's idea, but to learn from it. To take our ideas to greater heights. Our ideas reflect our character, and by learning from others ideas, we make our own character better. The quote means that in order for us to evolve we must change the way we think and,act as humans. Nothing in this world is 100% it is always room for improvement.

    Aaron Rivera
    period 3

  21. To me this quote is saying that all of the smarter inventers, or some of the most brilliant writers, have already invinted the most basic things that are neccessary in our everyday life. For example: the car has been around since 1672 (in china). It was built with no windows or roof! Years later someone reinvented a car with glass windows to protect our faces from the weather, animals,and insects while also allowing visibility. That problem was solved but i am cold in the winter and hot in the summer ! A roof that would block the sun and keep the car warm in the winter would take care of that. You can now see that all ideas are intellagent and well thought out but nothing is new under the sun except for recreations of created things !-Andrea blue third prd.

  22. I believe this quote goes along with the saying "All great minds think alike." All the great minds may not have been around the same time but they all thought alike. When it comes down to their thought processes nothing is new. Their thoughts are just like history. After a period of time they repeated. It wasn't the thought that was important anyway. It was how the thought was appied.

    Asha Walker
    Period 1

  23. I think this quote is saying ,that everything you thought of and determined has other meanings as well . You just don't have to go off of the meaning you hear and are familiar with . You can have an option of your own . Everyone's way is not the right way . This quote really made me think and gave me options to really real think all unfamiliar quotes and make them familiar for myself .

    Shayla Richardson
    Period 3

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  25. What this quote means to me is every intelligent thought has already been thought of and will be useful eventually. It's your job to be able to determine when it's necessary. You should be able to recognize and be able to use them at all time. You think of intelligent thoughts all the time you just never really pay it no mind. Of course not until you need it. Sometimes, you don't even realize how intelligent something might be until it comes in handy in the future. This quote really can get you thinking about things that you normally pay no mind to.
    - Khandyz Lee
    period 1

  26. I feel that this qoute means that we are no different from the great scholars and thinkers that have famous and sometimes vital thoughts. We as teenagers go through a lot on a daily basis.For example we go through peer pressure, and aggressive hormones,so I know for a fact that we can pull a creative thought about things such as endurance and self-control. In normal life in my neighborhood, I deal with home problems, drugs being used and distributed on my block.So this quote is really saying dig deep and be a model student and citizen. We have intelligent and very complex mind so we have the ability to think up thoughts that only a human being with human experiences can.This qoute is actually like a brain teaser thats actually gets your mind going already.
    -Joachim Smith
    period 2

  27. Basically, I believe this quote means that you shouldn't stress out trying to worrying about if someone did something first, because everything has been done and thought of. Therefore, you should only try to do what you do well and use those previous accomplishments to make yourself and society better as a whole. So even though something inspirational has been thought of don’t try to compete with it just rethink it and rethink it again, because without those thoughts we wouldn’t be able to succeed and make accomplishments of our own. And when you rethink it remember whatever you think you will become so rethink something inspirational and you will become it. Because everything you think is just a reflection of yourself and since your rethinking someone’s intelligent thought that reflects on you .So rethink while reusing these thoughts to further your knowledge so you will be able to succeed in life , and maybe one day you will be that person who someone is rethinking what you thought . So when you rethink it, if you can, try to improve it because nothing is perfect and everything can be improved but everything has already been thought of.
    -Kennedee Gardner
    -Period 1

  28. I believe this quote is saying that there could be a great idea or thought and you couldn't second guess yourself. I say that because you never know if your idea could change the world and you just let it go to waste or you didn't share it. That thought or idea could change someone life or start a POWERFUL movement! I also think its saying that once its thought of there's no way someone else could come up with it or make it better. That's your idea and only you have the POWER to make it possible. So, explorer your mind and think of so really great wonderful things. Cause you never know what who live you save, help or what teen you encourage. Thats's what I think this quote is saying.
    -Destinee' Parker
    -9th Hour

  29. To me this post means basically " All great minds think alike ". If you think of something so inelligent there are probably two thousand more people that have thought the same thought.As The future of this country we need to take our minds off all the unimportant things and think more intelligent thoughts. If we are suppose to run this world we need to think like the intelligent people in the world. We should listen to the authorities in are life because later in life we are going to need the wisdom they shared with us. I think we all have bright future ahead of us but for now we need to learn everything we can now to be who we WANT to be in the future.

    -Alisha Hayes
    -3rd Hour

  30. I think this quote is saying that everything intelligent has already been thought of. We should put our minds together so we can benefit from them. We should be spending more time trying to put our thoughts into action. We also should look back at past achievements so we can learn from the past. No matter how hard you think everything you come up with has already been said. Great minds do think alike and we shouldn't stress on thinking anything new. Everything we need is already out there we just need to find it.
    -Dana Hudson
    -Period 1

  31. I think this quote is saying that every good thought has been taken.With that being said I also think it's saying that we need to come up with more great thoughts. This quote to me says that when you think of something great think again because somebody else is thinking the same, or somebody already thought of that. You may think a thought is great and nobody is thinking on the same page as you, but they thought about it already and they have turned the page and started a new thought. I think it is saying that all great thoughts have been thought but it is up to you to think about it agian and make it better.

    -Jada Atkins period one

  32. To me, I think this quote means, there are multiple people in this world, that have intelligent thoughts. People can think of things, but at the same time you have to realize that you are not the only one in this world, and you are not the first person to think of things. There may be times that you may have the same idea or thought as someone, but it's in your own words. For example, when inventors had ideas for inventions. There could have been other people that thought of that same idea. But the concept could have been different than the one they chose. In conclusion, this is what I thought this quote means in my own words.

    -Jackeelyn Scott
    -Period 3

  33. I think this quote means that we all have thought of very intelligent thoughts. We think of more than one everyday. All of our intelligent thoughts have been thought of already but that dosn't mean we don't have many more to come. Our thoughts are how we got to where we are now. We think pass GO. Our thoughts have not stop and never will.It is very necessary to keep up the thoughts so we can keep moving ahead in life. We should never stop useing are intelligent thoughts.There has been alot of intelligent thoughts by people,but as we go on in life they just get better and better.Our thoughts get better through out everyday
    -Kaylin Miller

  34. Everyone has intelligent thoughts. With all minds thinking, there are bound to be some that think alike. You see, the quote is saying that everyone can have the same thought, but everyone won't act upon that thought. You should be the one to turn the thought into an action. Just because you have a thought doesn't mean that something changes. You should be the one person to stand out and make the difference. Don't just think, do.

    Caylyn Weatherspoon
    Period 1
    (My blog wouldn't let me post so Asha let me put my response under her name.)

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  36. I believe this quote is trying enable us to think critically. Being intelligent is more than "thinking" or knowing you actually have to believe in whatever you say or think.We as a people get caught up on what everyone is thinking or saying that no one thought is authentic anymore , more or less plain copied. An intelligent thought may come to our mind , but will you ever be willing to be you and show it ? Never becoming limited to what someone has said is showing a great step in thinking intelligently. NO two people think alike , therefore it should be a lot of great thoughts or ideas in this world. When we truly believe in our thoughts and putting them into actions is exactly when ... intelligent thinking comes to play !
    -Ms.Olivia Griffin
    -Period 1 (:

  37. This quote is saying that since every great thought has already been thought, it's ok to think them again.Great minds do think alike & just because you thought of something that someone else already has, it doesn't make you any less intelligent.What does make you intelligent is actually acting upon that thought.Coming up with a new intelligent thought isn't what's important.What is important is thinking of the old ones & applying them to your life.There's a reason why all intelligent thoughts have been thought...for us to move forward from them & advance our futures.

    ~Natalie Baker
    1st Period

  38. According to The meaning of intelligence is the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity. An intelligent thought is an a opinion based upon that persons ideas. However, another individual can rethink the same thought and have different aspects based upon their life experiences and knowledge. Also a persons mental capacity can change the meaning of an intelligent thought of someone else. Nonetheless, History has proven that an intelligent thought will be rethought by a different person without even knowing the thought has already thought through. No matter who the person is an truly intelligent thought will remain the same. A thought can be perceived to be intelligent by one or by many depending on the the persons mental activity.

  39. This quote in my mind means, that any and every intelligent thought has been siad or applied in someone's life. A intelligent thought can even be applied in my on a everyday basis. We can be smart enough to rethink thoughts. We as students can be very intelligent to use these thoughts as extra knowledge. I would never be ashame to tell anyone my great thoughts. So why should you. One day day in are life therl world is going to need to know. Do not let any of your peers put your thoughts down.
    -Signed James Taylor (Period 2)

  40. What this quote means to me is that as young people we all have great minds. But because of our society we are afraid to use them. Now adays we all worry about what other people think. But if we shared our great minds and put them together this world would be a better place. This quote really sums up why are economy and nation is so messed up.The reason being is we all are afraid to step up and share our ideas and make this country a better place.

    -Nukin Nehemiah

  41. After reading this quote on the blog, this quote is like an analogy of the Bible. The Bible was written thousands of years ago and although men don't attempt to rewrite the Bible. They put their own twist to it or play on words. For example the King James version and the New International version. What i also gathered from reading this quote is that wisdom is all around us and we don't have to rewrite what has already been written but, take what has been written and apply it to our life. To either make our lives better or others lives better.
    -Arthur Haggard (blog wouldn't let me post)

  42. what i think this qoute is saying is that we as human beings are already intelligent, but if we dont apply being intelligent to our lives it really becomes a waiste. i think if we spend less time worrying about is right or wrong does it make me sound stupid or smart , or what will everyone else think , with everything we think , say , and learn , it will soon oneday take us all higher,

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  44. I think this quote is saying is that all thoughts are good thoughts as long as you think of them yourself.Also I think that it says long as you are thinking for yourself you will always think of something good. Then after you think of something good try to think of something better then what you thought of before that.PATRICK MCINTOSH

  45. What does this comment mean to me? This comment is the same as, "There's nothing new under the sun." Which means that life goes in cycles, whether its about science, history, or just basic knowledge. People have been said to do or to even think certain things first. However, that's not true, many others before them have thought of the same thing, but have not gotten the recognition for it. And it's not hard to think the same thing as others or maybe add on on to their thoughts. You just have to be focus, put in effort, and apply yourself. Pay attention to your surroundings, as well as life around you, whether you're at school, work, or just on the streets. Because as people may say; "You learn something new everyday."
    - Cherokee I. Armstrong [1st Period]

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  47. What I think this quote means is that the intelligent things that we know in our generation have already been thought of. Previous people have took time out of their lives to think about the future. It is also necessary for us to use our minds and think about our own conclusion to our future. Johann Goethe believed that people should use their own mind to get their own perception of life. There is a solution for everything in the world that we are concerned about now. People in this generation are just to lazy to think about things or research problems that we have in our daily lives. In conclusion, everything has an answer and using our own minds will give us an accurate answer.

    -Nikeya Kuykendall

  48. What this quote is basically stating that all great minds think alike . Which means what we think of today has already been thouqht of by thousands of others . Reason being is because it all applies to our lives in some kind of way . We rethink these type of things because they our important to our needs and inner-self . Sometimes people second guess theirselves because they are afraid of what of what others is going to say . This quote relates to me in a way because when I think positive about things im bound to think beyond the obvious of intelligence . But we are all intelligent in our little way so therefore we think intelligent thoughts . . .

    - Shania_Harris 2nd Period!

  49. What this quote means to me is that a thought that may be new to you may have already been thought of by someone else a long time ago. Also that every thought is intelligent even if you don't think so yourself.
    -Tenaytia Sanford
    Period 1

  50. I believe this thought is simply saying that you must take someone's thought into your own mind. When you do this, you must process this thought and change it into your own. Someone may state this thought but it is your responsibility to interpret it differently. This thought may have been very hard to figure out, but you should be able to make it even easier. You have to use critical thinking and keep the thought going.

    -*Desiree Williams ; 1st Period

  51. I believe what this quote is saying is that thoughts come in a cycle. What we are thinking now someone in the past has already thought of. The things we are making today are just improvements from past thinkers. Great minds think alike.We all build are thoughts and base are theories of one another.We all share a thought process in a way.Your thought on a invention may be the groundwork for my invention in the future. ~MICHAEL BEARD~

  52. To me, it means that although every thought may have been thought you can re-think it and make new ideas. Everything could mean something different to someone else which means that new thoughts can come from the old. It is just like making new clothing from the old things you find in your attic or closet. Many ideas have inspired people to do great things in life. You can see science as just science but others see it as changing the future. Many careers have all came from the same basic subjects that we all must take. So in general what this means to me is that something new comes from something that may already exist.

    -deston hall;4thPeriod

  53. I think this quote is saying that everything that you need is already provided for you. You just need to go out there and find it. As they say, all great minds think alike. So therefore, all great thoughts have already been spoken. Now it's our turn as the young people of today to put those thoughts into action. If we use our great minds to make a change. Then we can make the great minds of the past proud.

    -Sarah Boyd, Period 1

  54. I think this quote means you can always learn something from history. The hard part is to try and duplicate the great things and thoughts that already ocurried. For all intelligent thoughts to be already thought of shows how gifted you if you can think the same thought. To combine the different elements to a great thought shows you really did alot of thinking. 9th hour D.RIDDLE

  55. I Think This Quote Is Saying Although Intelligent Thoughts Have Been Already Thought You Can Always Think Of New Ones Yourself Or Bring Up Old Ones From Historical Time . Also Every Great Thought Has Been Already Spoken . This Is What I Think The Quote Means To Me .
    Lynetta Abrams 4th Period

  56. I think this quote means that because you had came up with a thought that sounds like something new doesn't mean its yours fully and that your the only one that thought of something like that. Many people before you were born thought of the same things you did. you are always going to have smart moments and things you think that are really smart. There is always going to be a time when you think the same thing somebody thought a while ago. Maybe even before you were born or thought of. I just think that we need to start being very creative and coming up with some new things. I mean even though great thoughts have been thought already doesn't mean that you can't gain any credit. That's what I think personally.
    - Ryndéa A. Foster
    Period 2

  57. When u think the same thoughts over and over they stay in your head. They might be neccessary for you later in life. Thoughts are sometimes like useful if your in school or college. Keeping a mind set of things you need can make your brain stronger.It can also make you think outside the useful if your in school or college. Keeping a mind set of things you need can make your brain stronger.It can also make you think outside the box.


  59. I think this quote is trying to say that once an idea is already thought about, there could always be a different picture once its been thought about again. Just because one day it didn't have a solution doesn't mean that it won't ever have a solution. Sometimes thinking something through more than once will get you further ahead than just analyzing it one time. Plus when you re-do something you might even get a different and more appealing answer than rather the first time. In doing something over and over you start to also learn and realize different point of views to also determine the solution. Also, in thinking up a subject that might have already been thought about by numerous people, you might even grasp something they could never see, or was able to put their finger upon. Within this quote taught me that one idea upon a person, might be the biggest change in later history from somebody else that realized something the individual couldn't.

    -Olivia Allen
